Re: [SVG2 CR] content of title and desc?

Hi, Dr. Olaf–

Some of us do want to allow some text-structuring elements in the 
<title> and <desc>, for example to add different roles to different 
parts of a title, but we aren't quite sure what such an element would be.

We've deferred this decision to SVG 3.


On 9/17/16 7:28 AM, Dr. Olaf Hoffmann wrote:
> Hello,
> '5.8.1. Definition' notes:
> "Any container element or graphics element in an SVG document can have zero or
> more ‘desc’ and/or ‘title’ elements as children, whose content is text."
> However for the content models it is noted:
> "Any elements or character data."
> The content model fits to SVG 1.1, but both claims in the CR do not fit
> together.
> In case 'only text' applies, how to structure content of especially desc?
> Often one has more than one paragraph of text.
> I suggested already to add some basic structure element for this purpose
> and this would becom pretty important to have, if no content from other
> namespaces is allowed anymore.
> Olaf

Received on Saturday, 17 September 2016 18:11:18 UTC