Re: [motion-1] On path syntax

Thanks for this detailed summary.

To avoid confusion, please note that in my original email I did not propose
that we could just drop the fill-rule parameter from the path() function. I
proposed creating two variants of the path() function, which I think is
what has been labelled as 'the current proposal' as well.

Could I ask that any discussion take place on the original public-fx
thread, to keep our thoughts and ideas in one place? If necessary we can
cc: www-svg on that thread. Amelia - would you mind reposting this summary
to that thread?

    -Shane Stephens

On Fri, Feb 5, 2016 at 9:51 AM Amelia Bellamy-Royds <> wrote:

> Copying this to www-svg because it is relevant for SVG in general as well
> as FX.  Previous relevant discussion:
>    - "On path syntax" from public-fx, starting with Shane Stephen's
>    questions here:
>    - "SVG-ACTION-3834: Ask csswg if disallowing fill rule in path() for d
>    is good" Comments by Dirk Schulze in response to the action notification on
>    the internal SVG WG list:
>    - "Topic: initial value of 'd' property" at the Sydney Face to Face, 4
>    February 2016 Sydney time, starting 23:18 GMT on the IRC log:
> To summarize those messages and discussion:
> *The working group has agreed that the `d` attribute for <path> will be
> specifiable with CSS in SVG 2.* (In other words, like other geometry
> attributes, it is being upgraded to a presentation attribute.) This is
> important because it allows non-SMIL declarative animation of shape
> morphing, using CSS animation syntax.  Declarative animation is important
> because it means it can run in HTML-as-img. Non-SMIL is important because
> key user agents have failed to support and/or made plans to remove support
> for SMIL.  I'm not going to get into the same arguments again about whether
> or not that's a good thing, I'm just stating it as a reality we are working
> within.
> Multiple CSS modules have already adopted a means of specifying shapes
> with a function notation: circle(), ellipse(), inset(), and polygon() were
> all defined in CSS Shapes 1 (for creating non-rectangular floats) and are
> also used in the clip-path property as defined in CSS Masking 1. A path()
> function has been added to that list for CSS Motion Path and would also be
> used in the other properties that accept a shapes function.  The shape of
> the path would be defined using a path-data string, inside the functional
> notation, that follows the accepted SVG syntax (and any future extensions
> to it).
> *The CSS shapes functions create a complete definition of geometry,
> including the fill-rule* for defining which parts of a polygon or path
> are "inside" or "outside" the shape.  This is required for that shape to be
> used as a clip-path or a container for text (shape-inside property in CSS
> Shapes 2).  The fill-rule is specified by an optional first parameter
> inside the functional notation, like polygon(evenodd, [list-of-points]) or
> path(nonzero, [path-data-string]).
> Shane and Cameron have proposed that the functional notation for defining
> a path be used for the `d` attribute when set with CSS.  However, the
> fill-rule for that path element would still be controlled by the separate
> fill-rule property.  Shane initially suggested that we could just drop the
> fill-rule parameter from the path() function, but that would cause problems
> for the other properties that use shape functions.
> *Their current proposal is to define a separate path function syntax, with
> only the path data and no fill-rule*, that would represent a
> different CSS data type from the CSS shapes functions used by clip-path and
> shape-inside.  Each CSS property would define whether it accepted the full
> CSS shapes function (with fill-rule) or merely the path outline function
> (no fill-rule allowed).  Both would still use path(), however, and this
> causes possible concerns with the general CSS approach to functional
> notation.  Shane took an action (ACTION-3834) to follow up with the CSS WG.
> Alternatives that have been discussed:
>    - Just use the plain path data string, like path.triangle {d: M10,0
>    L0,5 10,10 Z;}
>    This is very problematic from the perspective of CSS parsing, since
>    the CSS parser would need to tokenize & determine the validity of the
>    entire path data string in its initial scan. (And we all know path data
>    strings can get very long and complex.)
>    - Use the plain path data string as a quoted string in CSS, like
>    path.triangle {d: "M10,0 L0,5 10,10 Z";}
>    I honestly don't think I got a clear answer as to why this would be
>    bad.  However, it would mean that the CSS parser would not do any validity
>    testing on the contents of the string: the value, as far as the CSS
>    parser is concerned, would just be "any string".  In future when new path
>    data commands are introduced (like the bearing command or smooth spline
>    curve command), you would not be able to use @supports or normal CSS error
>    handling to define fallbacks.  Instead, the existing error handling rules
>    (for partially unrecognized path data) would apply.
>    - Use the CSS shapes functional notation, with optional fill-rule, but
>    ignore it if specified for the `d` property.
>    This creates a logical conflict if authors are allowed to specify a
>    fill-rule value but it has no effect.
>    - Use the CSS shapes functional notation, with optional fill-rule, and
>    let that fill-rule override the fill-rule property.
>    This makes utter chaos of how the CSS cascade and shorthand properties
>    works, and would be basically impossible to implement.
>    - (Not yet discussed, but might as well add it here) use 2
>    different functional notations, with different names, one to describe
>    path outline versus one used to describe a complete shape, like
>    path.triangle.clipped {
>      d:             d("M10,0 L0,5 10,10 Z");
>      clip-path: path("M2,2 L2,8 8,5Z");
>    }
>    This makes things easy from a CSS data types/parsing perspective: each
>    function has a clear and distinct data type it returns, and each property
>    has a clear and distinct data type that it accepts.  But, it means that
>    authors would have to remember which property took which type of path
>    function.
> Some other aspects that have been briefly discussed:
>    - If a path function notation is used for `d` in CSS, should that also
>    be allowed in the `d` attribute?  (The existing notation would of course
>    continue to be supported in the attribute.)  Does this cause parsing
>    problems?
>    - If the `d` attribute accepts a standard or modified CSS shapes
>    function, should it also accept the other shapes functions, such as
>    polygon(), circle() or ellipse()?
> I think that covers most of the main arguments & issues.
> ~Amelia

Received on Thursday, 4 February 2016 23:04:24 UTC