Trailing semi-colons (Re: Agenda, 11 September 2014 SVG WG telcon)

On 2014/09/10 21:48, Erik Dahlström wrote:
> Hi David,
> do you happen to have any examples that expect a single trailing
> semicolon to mean there's an additional empty value at the end?
> Ideally I'd like all list-of-something to follow the same pattern of
> allowing/ignoring a trailing separator, which seems to be how most
> browsers handle such attributes, see e.g

This has been discussed before:

There is a more thorough test case here:

It seems Chrome is inconsistent in where it allows trailing semi-colons 
and where it does not.

I'd rather we just resolve this on the list if possible.



Received on Wednesday, 10 September 2014 23:19:28 UTC