Re: Outlines for new Implementation guide documents for Core (previously WAI-ARIA), HTML 5.1, and SVG2

Hi Richard,

(2014/01/17 21:57), Richard Schwerdtfeger wrote:
> It is not terrible but if we do allow role on every element in SVG it
> will often be for not as there will be no mapping to platform
> accessibility services.

Right, but that's the true regardless of whether SVG2 allows the 
attributes or not.

As far as I can tell, it will only make a difference if the author looks 
at the spec, sees that role is permitted on <desc> and then assumes some 
mapping. Or, alternatively, if they use a validator tool that might 
otherwise have alerted them that 'role' is not permitted on <desc>.

I think both are unlikely and easy to workaround if necessary.

It probably doesn't matter a whole lot but unless there's a strong 
reason not to, allowing the attributes everywhere seems to me to be 
simpler, shorter and more consistent.

> It is easy to add the aria attributes to all the elements. It would not
> take more than 10 minutes to do it and rebuild.

Yes, I was hoping you could make those changes along with your other 
aria-related edits.


Best regards,


> From: Brian Birtles <>
> To: Richard Schwerdtfeger/Austin/IBM@IBMUS
> Cc: Kurosawa Takeshi <>, "'www-svg'" <>
> Date: 01/16/2014 06:51 PM
> Subject: Re: Outlines for new Implementation guide documents for Core
> (previously WAI-ARIA), HTML  5.1, and SVG2
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Hi Rich,
> Thanks for your prompt response.
> (2014/01/17 9:28), Richard Schwerdtfeger wrote:
>  > Well, for example, it would not apply to <desc>, <radius>,
>  > <rendering-intent>, etc.
> <radius> and <rendering-intent> are not elements. If HTML allows role on
> <title> and <meta>, is there an issue with allowing it on <desc> in SVG?
> Or have I misunderstood HTML?
> I'm just trying to understand what the benefit is of disallowing these
> attributes?
>  > I did not think we agreed to put it on all elements - just not to limit
>  > it to rendered elements.
> That's right, we didn't agree to anything. We decided to wait for your
> input.
>  > I think that definitions.xml is fine. Did you find a problem?
> Yes, please see the original discussion.[1][2]
> Thanks,
> Brian
> [1]
> [2]

Received on Sunday, 19 January 2014 23:53:28 UTC