Re: Porting fill/stroke (and -opacity variants) to plain CSS

On 24/01/13 10:13 AM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
> If 'text-fill-color' is "unspecified" (whatever that means - I presume
> it's some initial value that goes away at computed-value time), it
> takes the value of 'color'.  For 'fill', we can address this the way
> Dirk says, which seems consistent with 'stroke', and add a "none"
> value back to 'fill', using the UA stylesheet to set it to "black" for
> SVG elements.  I don't like this much, though, because then "none" has
> to mean "fill with the 'color' property instead", which is different
> than what "stroke: none;" means.  I'd prefer just setting the initial
> value to "currentColor", and then using the UA stylesheet to set it to
> black for SVG elements.

I don't think it's feasible to have fill:none mean "fill with the value 
of 'color'" as that would change

   <path d="..." fill="none" stroke="red"/>

to fill with something rather than nothing.

> 'stroke' is fine, since it defaults to "none".

So we'd just keep SVG's approach of stroke:none stroke-width:1px.  That 
makes sense.

Received on Wednesday, 23 January 2013 23:34:30 UTC