Re: Inheritance during SVG Animation of CSS properties -- should "base value" incorporate ancestors' animation effects?

Inheriting animation values when to="inherit" has further considerations 
when fill="freeze" is present.

When the animation ends via a simple duration is the frozen value 
"inherit", or should it be the final computed value?  If it is "inherit" 
then this would imply that the animated value can continue to change 
based on the parent's (animated) value even though the animation has 

If the animation is ended earlier by (for example) end="click", the 
frozen value is somewhere between from and inherit - "defined by the 
shortened simple duration".  Is the frozen value the computed value at 
click or is it the animation function at click (ie continues to change 
with the inherited value)?

<g fill="#FF0000">
   <rect fill="#CCCCCC">
     <animateColor attributeName="fill" from="#808080" to="inherit"
      begin="0s" dur="5s" end="click" fill="freeze"/>
   <animateColor attributeName="fill" from="#00FF00" to="#0000FF"
    begin="2s" dur="5s"/>


On 9/06/2010 6:05 PM, Daniel Holbert wrote:
> On 06/08/2010 05:38 PM, Daniel Holbert wrote:
>> So, to clarify this issue generally, I propose that the SVG spec be
>> amended/clarified to state something like this:
>> ========
>> If an attribute is being animated and its base value* could be influenced
>> by another attribute's animated value**, then during each animation
>> sample, the browser should compose animations on the influencing 
>> attribute
>> _before_ composing animations on the potentially-influenced attribute.***
> I should generalize this text a bit, actually: in the first line, "its 
> base value" should be replaced with "one of the values that we're 
> animating between".
> This is because we also need to account for situations where the 
> animation attributes |from/by/to/values| have the special "inherit" or 
> "currentColor values. (e.g. along with the examples already given, we 
> need to handle situations like <animate to="inherit" ...> or <animate 
> from="currentColor" ...>)

Received on Wednesday, 9 June 2010 09:44:53 UTC