Re: SVG Fonts [...]

On 6/7/10 10:12 AM, Erik Dahlstrom wrote:
> Fair enough, and SVG 1.2T fonts are a subset of SVG 1.1 fonts so I could
> just as well have called them SVG 1.1 fonts.

_This_ I don't follow.  In general, claims about subsets of a set need 
not be true of the whole set, so the above sentence doesn't make any sense.

All I claimed is that the various implementations of SVG 1.1 Fonts in 

1)  Are incomplete.
2)  Implement different subsets of SVG 1.1 Fonts
3)  Don't agree on some parts that more than one implements.


Received on Monday, 7 June 2010 14:42:10 UTC