Re: getSVGDocument()

Hi Anne,

Anne van Kesteren wrote:
> I was wondering if it's really necessary to keep this method. And if it 
> is necessary to keep it, if it could simply be defined equivalently to 
> contentDocument.

Thank you for your feedback.

The working group has discussed your issue and we have issued an errata 
that clarifies the definition of GetSVGDocument. We will be adding the 
following wording to an errata for GetSVGDocument:

"This section is informative. The GetSVGDocument method behaves the same 
as contentDocument if the embedded document is an SVG document, e.g. the 
value must be the child document's Document object or null if there is 
no such object. If the embedded document is not an SVG Document, 
GetSVGDocument returns null."

We hope the errata addresses your issue. If not, we are happy to 
consider any other suggestions you may have. Thanks.

Kind Regards,

Anthony Grasso

Received on Friday, 15 February 2008 06:43:45 UTC