Re: Text-Area : Adding new attribut "anchor-position"

Hello Kevin,

Thank you for your feedback on the SVG Tiny 1.2 specification.

Did you have a look at the text-align and display-align attributes? It 
seems to me that what you propose (except the coordinate/coordinate 
case) can be handled by the combination of these two attributes. Here is 
also a little illustration illustrating the inline- and block 

For example what you propose as "middle-center" would be 
text-align="center" and display-align="center".

This is already implemented in a beta of Opera 9.5, available from - you can test it and report 
potential bugs.

Please tell us if that satisfies your requirement?


Kevin Fleischer wrote:
> I have read the "text in an area" part of the document. I did not see a posibility to set the text-area anchor point.
> I suggest to add a new attribut to the new text-area tag.
> 'anchor-point'
>     Value:   	auto | top-left | top-center | top-right | middle-left | middle-center | middle-right | bottom-left | bottom-center | bottom-right | inherited
>     Initial:   	auto
>     Applies to:   	'textArea'
>     Inherited:   	yes
>     Percentages:   	N/A
>     Media:   	visual
>     Animatable:   	yes
>     Computed value:   	Specified value, except inherit
> The "anchor-point" property specifies where the anchor point of a text-area is located. The value "auto" is for left-to-right text identical to "top-left".
> The position specified by the "x" and "y" property of the "text-area" define the position of that anchor point.
> A optional value of "(<coordinate>,<coordinate>)" should also be taken into account. The first <coordinate> would specify a x-offset to the "auto" anchor x-position, where the second <coordinate> does the same for the y-position.
> Kind regards,
> Kevin Fleischer
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Andreas Neumann
Böschacherstrasse 6
CH-8624 Grüt (Gossau ZH)
Phone: ++41-44-2736668

SVG Examples:

Received on Tuesday, 5 February 2008 20:43:59 UTC