Re: 30th anniversary of Star Wars

On Thu, 24 May 2007 19:43:29 +0200, you wrote:

>What you can do is to use a SVG font and a script
>(shell, perl, php, c, fortran ...) to transform any 
>glyph as you like in 3D and save it after a 
>projection to 2D SVG again as a new font.

Yes, you can do that, but you'd have to do it for every frame in the
animation. It won't work to do a character-by-character transformation
once for each character, since the transformation depends on where the
character occurs within the rectangle/trapezoid. Imagine a rectangle
with an "A" in each of the four corners. During the process of
converting that rectangle to a trapezoid, each "A" undergoes a
transformation that is different from that of the other "A"s.

Steve Schafer
Fenestra Technologies Corp.

Received on Thursday, 24 May 2007 18:18:11 UTC