RE: [SVGMobile12] viewBox attribute

Hi Anne, 

> From: Anne van Kesteren [] 

> May I ask where "whitespace" is defined? And do I understand 
> it correctly that all of the following (values) are valid:
>   * "20, 54, 34 32"
>   * "20
> 54, 588,43"
> ... and the following are not:
>   * " 32, 23, 23 54" (leading space)
>   * "23, 23, 32, 12," (trailing comma)
>   " "23 23 23 23 " (trailing space)
>   "
> 23 23 23 23" (leading newline)
> ... is that really what is intended?

The following EBNF has been added to the spec to define the syntax of
the viewBox attribute:

      viewbox ::=
		wsp* viewboxSpec wsp*
	viewboxSpec ::=
		number comma-wsp number comma-wsp number comma-wsp
		| "none"
	number ::=
		sign? integer-constant
		| sign? floating-point-constant
	comma-wsp ::=
		(wsp+ comma? wsp*) | (comma wsp*)
	comma ::=
	integer-constant ::=
	floating-point-constant ::=
		fractional-constant exponent?
		| digit-sequence exponent
	fractional-constant ::=
		digit-sequence? "." digit-sequence
		| digit-sequence "."
	exponent ::=
		( "e" | "E" ) sign? digit-sequence
	sign ::=
		"+" | "-"
	digit-sequence ::=
		| digit digit-sequence
	digit ::=
		"0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" |
	wsp ::=
		(#x20 | #x9 | #xD | #xA)

Please let us know within 2 weeks if this does not address your concern.

Scott Hayman
On behalf of the SVG WG

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Received on Thursday, 22 June 2006 13:19:31 UTC