Re: [SVGMobile1.2] path normalization different than SVG 1.1

*T Rowley wrote:
>Section A.2.7 allows path normalization down to M/L/C/Q/z
>The SVGAnimatedPathData interface of SVG 1.1 defines normalization as 
>converting down to M/L/C/z, the difference being that quadric Beziers 
>are converted to cubics.
>It would be best to eliminate this difference by allowing path 
>normalization in 1.2T to do the quadric to cubic conversion.

Thank you very much for your comment. We have changed the normalization in 1.2T to allow quadratic to cubic conversion. Please let us know within two weeks if this does not adequately address you comment.

All the best,
Andrew, on behalf of the SVG Working Group

Andrew Emmons 
Software Architect
SVGT Player
Open Text Corporation, BitFlash Division
515 Legget Drive, Suite 300
Ottawa ON K2K 3G4

Tel: 613.599.9335 ext.3248
Fax: 613.599.9177

Received on Tuesday, 13 June 2006 13:28:11 UTC