Re: Request For Feedback: Traits

Quoting Robin Berjon <>:
> Strawman (not necessarily representing my opinion):
> ===================================================
> Maybe there's a mid-point whereby we can drop Traits in Tiny 1.2, and 
>  just leave it as an advantage of the folks who use JSR-226. Of  
> course, we don't lift anything from the full SVG DOM either, as that  
> would be too heavy. Instead, we stick to getAttributeNS and  
> setAttributeNS but specify require (or very strongly recommended)  
> normalisation of the values so that what is returned is easiest to  
> process and scripts don't have to handle the endless variety of  
> options that may be available to them. That, and perhaps a few  
> helpers, e.g. to parse a colour into an SVGColor. This sort of meets  
> the requirement for typed access midways (data is normalised and can  
> be upgraded to type easily) while reusing mostly what already exists. 
>  It has the default of inefficiency (you'll be converting to and from 
>  string every other line of code).

This sounds interesting. (Given that DOM Level 3 Core really allows
normalization.) Especially as the whole traits is not really that 
useful as has
been pointed out on the list. Personally I hope the SVG WG can address what is
needed here together with the CSS WG and possibly the Web APIs WG so we get
something that works across document languages...[1]




Anne van Kesteren

Received on Thursday, 19 January 2006 17:36:32 UTC