[SVGMobile12] uDOM attribute normalization on color values

it is defined what viewers may return for attribute values. The color
normalization part does not define in enough detail what exactly may be
returned for sRGB values as described in
What is the normalized value of "rgb(100,      30,32,123)"?

The section also doesn't address the problem. It is still unclear what you get
back when you retrieve such a value. When using getAttributeNS that is what you
can expect, but when using traits it should be more clear.

I suggest that the SVG WG defines color normalization in a way similar to
<http://whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#fillstyle> (dropping the rgba()
bit that doesn't apply to SVG).

In addition, I suggest that the SVG WG contacts the CSS WG about this to discuss
normalization of these property/attribute values together so a common syntax can
be agreed upon and used.

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Thursday, 19 January 2006 16:41:39 UTC