Re: [SVGMobile12] A.7.19 gotoLocation

Maciej Stachowiak wrote:
> Mozilla already had to solve this problem for XMLHttpRequest, which has 
> methods with optional arguments on e.g. the open() method. What approach 
> did you guys take?

Defining the open() method to take no arguments at all in the IDL, then manually 
looking at the JS callstack in the C++ implementation to get the argument. 
Similar for and a few other DOM0 things.

Note that this means that effectively the use of open() is restricted to a 
single language binding (JS to be exact).  There is a separate method, not 
exposed to JS and named openRequest, that can be used from other languages. 
That method does not have optional arguments.

I really doubt that this is a desirable approach for SVG, though...  The only 
reason we did it for XMLHttpRequest is because we were in the position of having 
to emulate IE's behavior.


Received on Sunday, 5 February 2006 21:27:16 UTC