Re: sXBL issue -- bindings getting notified when the bound element is inserted into a document

Boris Zbarsky:
> What does it mean to "turn the custom element's identity"?  What if there 
> are references to particular interfaces exposed by that element, say, when 
> the interfaces it implements change?

For bindings such as ECMAScript, where there is no notion of interfaces
per se and objects just happen to adhere a particular interface, it
doesn't matter so much.  I'm interested to know if in the C++ parts of
Mozilla you have references to XBL objects where this becomes a problem.

> Of course matching by qname has a similar issue, in that DOM3 provides a 
> method to change the qname of a node....

But at least DOM3 says that the node is allowed to be replaced if it is
not possible for the implementation to just rename the node (for
whatever reason).


  e-mail : cam (at)    	icq : 26955922
     web :	        msn : cam-msn (at)
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Received on Thursday, 24 March 2005 00:24:43 UTC