RE: svg embedding

Hi, Erik-

Flatman wrote:
| I'm trying to embed svg in a html page . This works with 
| <EMBED src=....svg>.

You might also try using an iframe... Many people have better luck with

| However I'd like to include the svg data in the html file . 
| How could I do this ?

First, I just want you to know that this isn't really the place to ask SVG
development questions. You should subscribe to, where you will get many more answers to your
questions. You should also look through the SVG-Wiki:

There are a few ways to do what you want, but none of them are really good.
You can sorta do it in IE+ASV3, and you can do it a bit better in FireFox's
native SVG (which is not yet the default). I wouldn't currently recommend it
for a business solution, but if you're still into it, contact svg-developers
and we can continue the thread there.


doug . schepers  @ ...for scalable solutions.

Received on Monday, 29 August 2005 21:59:28 UTC