Re: [sXBL] 4.2 Processing content elements

>> XBL could probably be used, eventually, together with XHTML and CSS and
>> some basic DOM methods on smaller devices. If such a device already has
>> CSS support to style the markup, it would be redundant to have a
>> complete XPath specification just for XBL.
> Yes, but the problem works both ways (which is why it hasn't been 
> resolved): if the device already has XPath it would be redundant to have 
> it implement the complete CSS 3 Selectors just for XBL.

I'm not 100% sure, but downgrading from XPath to CSS3 Selectors is 
probably easier. Except for cases like 'a:link', 'a:visited', but I'm 
not sure if those are necessary.

I guess that a subset of CSS3 Selectors should be defined, which is 
compatible with XPath (this means disallowing various pseudo-classes).

  Anne van Kesteren

Received on Friday, 3 September 2004 15:01:54 UTC