Re: sXBL: Not reloading already-loaded resources

Robin Berjon:
> You want to know how many times to run init scripts and the such.

I hadn't really though about init scripts.  Say you had an xbl:import
element that referred to some SVG file.  If this SVG file had some
onload scripts, would these be run (they could potentially modify the
XBL inside the document)?

Another point.  In the description of xbl:import, it says:

  When an import element is parsed or inserted into a document, and
  whenever the bindings attribute is subseqently changed, the URI
  specified by its bindings attribute must be loaded (unless it has
  already been loaded).

Say an xbl:import element's bindings attrbute was initially set to URI
X.  Later, script changes the attribute to URI Y.  Later still, the
attribute is changed back to URI X.  Should X be reloaded?  If not, does
that mean UAs must keep around references to currently unneeded
documents just in case they are later referred to?  If it should be
reloaded, perhaps some text should be included that says that this
already-loaded behaviour should use some sort of reference counting.

> Is this preventing you from doing something?

No, just wondering.


Cameron McCormack
|  Web:
|  ICQ: 26955922

Received on Friday, 3 September 2004 14:07:28 UTC