Re: FW: LC Comment - Syncbase events and Progressive Rendering

Hi Andrew,

Andrew Sledd a écrit :
> Dear SVG WG,
> The progressive rendering description and examples do not include presentation of document timing and animation impact. We request that this section be updated to include such information, especially in the case where timelineBegin="onStart".
> See the following example
> <svg timelineBegin="onStart">
> 		<circle stroke="white" stroke-width="30" fill="none" cx="100" cy="200" r="60">
> 			<animate id="fadein" attributeName="stroke" attributeType="auto" from="white" to="#666" begin="0" dur="3s" fill="freeze"/>
> 		</circle>
> 		<rect id="Rect" x="20" y="20" width="180" height="180" fill="#fff">
> 			<animate id="fadein2" attributeName="fill" attributeType="auto" from="#fff" to="red" begin="fadein.begin" dur="3s" fill="freeze"/>
> 		</rect>
> 		<circle id="Circle" stroke="white" stroke-width="20" fill="none" cx="200" cy="110" r="80">
> 			<animate id="fadein3" attributeName="stroke" attributeType="auto" from="white" to="#666" begin="fadein2.begin" dur="3s" fill="freeze"/>
> 		</circle>
> </svg>
> What is the expected behavior in a progressive rendering situation where the UA 
>renders on each element's startElement and endElement SAX events?
> Our interpretation is that only the fadein animation is run as the begin event is 
> raised and rendered before any of the other elements are resolved. So if the background 
> was "white" each of the rect id="Rect" and the circle id="Circle" would be rendered, although 
> they would not be seen because they are white. Their respective child animations would never be run.
> Is this correct?

My understanding is different. In this example, the only time container 
is the svg element. So there is only one timeline, the one of the root 
svg element. Therefore, all three animations should start. Moreover, 
they should be in sync even if they don't start at the same time (in 
case of progressive loading), because they get the time from the same 

My 2 cents,

Cyril Concolato

Received on Wednesday, 24 November 2004 13:43:02 UTC