Re: Reconsider SVG 1.2

Jim Ley wrote:
>    It complicates scripting - because CSS properties are always higher 
> specificity than attribute properties, it means you have to do 
> setAttributeNS(null,'style','construct a string of all style 
> operties')   -  this is both slower and more complicated than just setting 
> the stroke-width attribute.

I'm sorry, but that doesn't seem to be true.

Per the SVG 1.1 spec [1] (and the SVG 1.2 proposal claims to be simply an 
extension of SVG 1.1 and does not change this part), a UA that has CSS support 
must support the relevant DOM CSS interfaces.  So you can do:"stroke-width", value, "");

which is not particularly more complicated than

   node.setAttribute("stroke-width", value);

(and in some UAs may in fact be faster...).  Now I won't claim that I know what 
the state of implementation of this functionality is in current SVG UAs.... 
(and I would be curious to find out).



Received on Wednesday, 17 November 2004 16:56:08 UTC