Re: Relative positioning


I have played around with constraints a while ago and tried to make an 
"SVG-only" impl, as much as this is possible.
My example works in Batik and ASV6. It is just a demo and does not 
compare at all to the ability of  Cameron's.
(The code is documented)

The constraint definition is a bit different form Cameron's. I use 
namespaced attribs in the elements:
<rect ... c:y="id('someOtherRect')/@width - 10" 
c:x="id('someRect')/@width + 10"/>
So basically one specifies the attributes that are suposed be constraint 
by just adding an attrib with the same name but in constrain namespace.
I would like to actually just have the XPath expression in the regular 
attributes, but that would break backwards compatibility with current 
SVG impl.


Received on Friday, 23 July 2004 04:18:44 UTC