pageSet handling impl. and turorial


I forgot to mention  some things about the pageSet handling.
As said yesterday, motjuvie now supports pageSets and handles them
by diplaying each page one after another when the user hits certain keys.

Now, the whole logic is not impl. in motjuview itself but rather in JS.
The viewer actually only takes care of loading a document, exposing some 
functions to the
SVG's script  and the most important part: it loads an init script.
This script basically contains the logic of motjuvie.

So if you want to see how page handling is done in motjuvie just have a 
look at the init.js
It also adds some features useable for presentation slides (showing 
items on the page one after another).

This code could be actually used to write SVGs with page handling like 
the following which is part of a tutorial:

The  tutorial on  how to create presentations for motjuvie.

The code is still a bit dirty and will not work in Batik because batik 
does not know of pageSet elements.
when namespacing them then batik displays the pages nicely (except sub 
item visibility changes, all are displayed ).


Received on Thursday, 12 August 2004 19:00:12 UTC