Sockets and pageSet handling in motjuvie 2.0

Hi folks,

I have worked on my SVG viewer motjuvie again.
Besides the features it already had I added my socket impl now. and also 
some pageSet handling.

check it out at:

Jan-Klaas Kollhof

ps: if anyone is interested in the plain SVGSocket COM component to be 
used as ActiveX in IE or ...
then let me know and I'll put it up on the web.

to create a socket connection see:
            conn = createConnection();
            var connHandler = new ConnectionHandler();
            conn.addEventListener("ConnectionData", connHandler, false);
            conn.addEventListener("Connect", connHandler, false);
            conn.addEventListener("Disconnect", connHandler, false);
            conn.addEventListener("ConnectionError", connHandler, false);
            conn.addEventListener("Connecting", connHandler, false);

Received on Wednesday, 11 August 2004 20:30:51 UTC