Re: getScreenCTM (again)

Hello Robert, thanks for answering.

I'm implementing an SVG editor.. so I don't know what I should try. I could
try it in Adobe SVG Viewer (assuming that they're correct). But how do I
figure it out? I'd have to look at the matrix values afterwards and I don't
really know enough about matrices to see what it has done. And I can't be
sure ASV is correct.

I thought maybe someone in the WG could answer this. If it's something they
haven't thought about, maybe they should clarify it in the spec, or maybe
it's there, and I just don't get it?

I also think it's strange that whenever I ask a question, everybody assume
I'm a designer using some existing tool. I thought this group was more about
the SVG specification and how to interpret/implement it correctly?

thanks again,

Sigurd Lerstad

> Hi Sigurd,
> I don't know the answer to your question.   But why don't you just try it
> and see what happens?
> Robert
> On 1 Feb 2003 at 14:29, Sigurd Lerstad wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > I don't mean to be pushy, but I need an answer to this question.. So
> > if you know the answer, but didn't understand the question :) .. Do I
> > need to make the question clearer?
> >
> > Again:
> > ---------
> >
> >  When calling getScreenCTM on an svg element, will it take into
> >  account any transformation done on the children of that svg element
> >  due to viewBox?
> >
> >  I'm asking, because a viewBox attribute doesn't transform the svg
> >  element itself (i.e the x,y,width/height of the svg element) only the
> >  children.
> >
> >  thanks,
> >
> > BTW:
> >
> > Wouldn't it be more useful if getBBox returned the bounding box BEFORE
> > any transform, since you can always apply that afterwards to the BBox,
> > but you can't unapply it. (or am I missing something?)
> >
> > --
> > Sigurd Lerstad
> >
> >

Received on Friday, 31 January 2003 11:31:56 UTC