GNOME themes extras 0.5 released

As an early Christmas gift are we offering a new release of everyones 
favorite package of GNOME SVG metathemes.

The GNOME-themes-extras package contains themes using SVG graphics to
theme your applications, file system icons and menu's in GNOME. It is
worth nothing that these themes actually use SVG files unlike some other
themes which only use converted bitmaps of vector images.

In this release we have many small and big incremental fixes and more
are to come in the future. For this release we present the following
additions and updates:

 * Menu themes updated to work with Red Hat Fedora Core
 * Bugfixes from Andew Johnson to Smooth theme engine (making things 
   like the new gnome-media mixer work correctly)
 * Many new Nuvola icons by David Vignoni
 * Improved menu themeing coverage for Wasp theme

Rendering issues:
Thanks to the work of Caleb Moore the librsvg rendering engine has many
important rendering fixes in CVS. Due to this we recomend that people
using SVG themes update their version of librsvg as soon as the next
release is made.
Request for new artists:
The GNOME themes extras package contains a lot of icons, but there are
still a lot of icons that needs making in order to get these themes as
complete as possible. The artists behind these icon sets are
contributing new icons and artwork as time allows them, but we do need
help in order to get them complete in reasonable time. Any artists out
there who would be willing to help us fill the gaps in these themes
would be very welcome. Any interested artists should mail me (Christian
Schaller) and I will send you a list of the most needed icons for the
theme you would want to help out with.

You find screenshots and download instructions for gnome-themes-extras on:

Received on Saturday, 6 December 2003 10:58:16 UTC