Re: SVG crosswordplayer first release!!

"Tobias Reif" <> wrote in message

> But it is his choice to make. As I said, you, him,

Now I've never met L, but I do know friends of hers, and I believe she's

> * Extend the DTD in the internal subset.
>   This represents the most simple way in many scenarios (long and
>   complex SVG with just a few lines of RDF or other non-SVG code)

You're speaking as if creating these internal subsets are easy, they're not,
they're complicated to author, they're redundant bytes (they achieve nothing
at all for the bytes downloaded unless you wish to validate yourself)  If
such DTD authoring was simple, I would expect to see such combined
SVG+XHTML+etc. being ubiquitous, not the excellent dtd authors of the W3
saying they don't think more than the SVG+XHTML+MATHML versions being

I just don't think this is a helpful suggestions, showing how Schema
validation could be done on SVG would be much more useful, as at least that
would be meaningful in the future, DTD validation won't be.


Received on Saturday, 6 December 2003 12:42:29 UTC