Sodipodi SVG flags 1.4

Sodipodi SVG flags 1.4

This is the third release of the Sodipodi flag collection. This
collection currently consist of 275 different international and
local flags. The flags are donated by their authors into the public
domain.  The flags are in the scalable and free SVG format which today
is supported by most major vector graphics programs. Most flags are done
using the Sodipodi vector drawing application. In others words these are
free flags in a free format made with a free application.

The core collection of flags in this collection are meant to be as
accurate as possible.  If you discover flags in here that have wrong
proportions or wrong colors then please update the flag with the correct
colors or sizes and send it to us with an explanation.

New flags are of course also welcomed, but remember we need a clear
statement from you that you dedicate the flag to the public domain, 
preferably using the Creative Commons public domain dedication process
found here: 
We do hope that many of you take some time to help us make this an even
more complete collection.

We hope that this collection can be useful to people in many different
settings be that in relation to software, publishing, education and so

This release also contains a perl script by Timur I. Bakeyev which will
rename the flags into files using the ISO country codes. You find the
script included in the flags tarball or zipfile. You can also find more
information about it on Timur's project page: 

The assembly of this huge collection has been made possible thanks to
the hard work of many people. We big thank you goes to all our
contributors listed in the CREDITS file distributed with this package.

We would like to especially thank Tobias Jakobs and Caleb Moore for the
multiple contributions to this latest release. Caleb Moore also fixed
librsvg to enable it or properly render all the flags and his fixes will
be in the next release of librsvg (which means Nautilus will render the
flags correctly).

You can see all of the currently contributed flags here:

The creation of these flags had not been possible without the hard work
that free software coders have put into great tools like Sodipodi and
librsvg. The projects have helped increase the viability of SVG in free
and open source software a lot.

Both these two tools and the new Inkscape project do need more coders in
order to improve further. People interested in working on these and
other issues are highly encouraged to join the project mailing-lists.
You find the projects here:

You can download the package in either tar.gz or zip format from the
sourceforge file area:

Christian Schaller

Received on Saturday, 6 December 2003 10:57:14 UTC