Re: 1.2 feedback: printing

>>>>> "NG" == Niklas Gustavsson <> writes:

>> My feeling today is that SVGP should be as close to "Static SVG
>> Basic" as possible.

NG> Yes! I want this badly. One of the common uses I have in my
NG> day-time job is to produce static images (.gif, .png)
NG> automatically. [...] rasterizing SVG is a much more attractive way
NG> of doing this. [...] A static profile would be much
NG> needed.

    There already is a set of conformance criteria for static viewers.
Which clearly explains how a static viewer should handle all SVG
content.  What more do you want from a static 'profile'?

NG> I think SVG Static might be a better name then SVG Printing since
NG> the profile sure will be used for much more then printing.


Received on Tuesday, 19 November 2002 07:28:37 UTC