errors in the SVG1.1 DTD (?), and that known errror in the 1.0 DTD


1. errors in  the SVG1.1 DTD (?),

Xerces-C 1.7.0 says:

Fatal Error at file,
line 829, char 55
   Message: Expected an element name

Here are lines 828 and 829 of the DTD:

<!ELEMENT div (#PCDATA|region|div|p|span|animate|set|animateMotion|
                 animateColor|animateTransform|%divExt;)* >
Perhaps the | before the divExt entity is the problem? This solves it 
for Xerces.
Same in 846, 862, 877, etc;
but how to solve it in 888?

Or is it false alarm by Xerces?

2. that known errror in the 1.0 DTD

Will the SVG1.0 DTD itself be corrected to allow (, require, or fix)
on "svg" elements?
That would be great, because currently, I'm not sure which DTD to choose 
to validate SVG. Which one works?



* peace&love.

Received on Monday, 25 March 2002 08:20:31 UTC