Re: SVG Schema: URL for XMLSchema.dtd ?

On Wed, 16 Jan 2002, Tobias Reif wrote:

> Hi;
> in the doctype of the SVG 1.1 Schema, there is
> <!DOCTYPE schema SYSTEM "XMLSchema.dtd"
> .
> Which version if the XMLSchema.dtd is referenced here?

THe one in the same directory as the schema.

This is in fact the standard one, from
(WARNING: this is off the top of my head and is probably the 
wrong location - check the schema spec).

> Is there a normative DTD for W3C Schema, or should a Schema be used to 
> validate schemas?

Yes :)

OK, seriously, yes and yes.

> Would it make sense to change the doctype of the SVG 1.1 to reference a 
> public definition, via http, to resolve all this, so that
> <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "[...]"
>  "[.xsd or .dtd]">

The Doctype of SVG 1.1 will change. We hope to provide a normative
schema and possibly a non-normative DTD (unless my memory is
fooling me). 

I guess it will be something like

<svg xmlns=""


Received on Wednesday, 16 January 2002 08:44:44 UTC