XML Schema for SVG - bugs

  the XML Schema has the following errors:

  file:///mnt/garbage/SVG1.1/SVG.xsd:343:52: Invalid: attribute with ref
    xml:base can't have type anyURI

    file:///mnt/garbage/SVG1.1/SVG.xsd:844:46: Invalid: attribute with ref
    xlink:href can't have type anyURI

    file:///mnt/garbage/SVG1.1/SVG.xsd:1877:46: Invalid: attribute with ref
    xlink:href can't have type anyURI

It means:
on lines 343, 844 and 1877 (plus minus one line:-))
there is an "xs:attribute" element, which has both
"ref" and "type" attribute. This is forbidden in:

XML Schema Part 1: Structures >
paragraph 3.2.3 (Constraints on XML Representations of Attribute 
Declarations) >
item 3.2

"If ref is present, then all of <simpleType>,
form and type must be absent."


  <name firstName="Jirka" surname="Jirat"/>
  <mail>     jiratj@systinet.com  </mail>
  <support>  http://www.zvon.org </support>
  <zvonMailingList> http://www.zvon.org/index.php?nav_id=4 

Received on Thursday, 10 January 2002 10:29:19 UTC