XForm and SVG may solve the question

Subject: Subject: RE: Lack of Forms Constructs in SVG
(Sorry to spam the mailing list the frist time out :-))

A WWW3 technology called XForms may be th answer to the problem thae David ask: 
>however, the one commonly used feature of HTML that seems to be missing is forms. 

XForms states on the activities page:http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Forms/ 

"To meet the goals for richer presentation XForms will be designed for integration 
with other XML tag sets, such as XHTML itself, SVG for graphics and SMIL 
for multimedia forms. You will be able to use style sheet languages such 
as CSS and XSL to finely tune the presentation"

Thank you,
Robert A. DiBlasi

Received on Friday, 20 October 2000 14:24:15 UTC