missing styles on strokes


on http://www.carto.net/papers/svg/problemsvg.html you will find some
graphical explanation of two styling abilities that would be helpfull
for coming standard versions in order to keep files small and
interaction easy.

example one deals about the positin of non-zero outlines of an element.
for now it is only centered on its own geometirc position. someting like
"stroke-align: left/center (default)/right" would be helpfull

example two is about objects that need to be composed of more than one
layer to get a graphical result (i.e. a high-way on a map is something
like a line element with an outline). the solution now represents
redundant data, someting like "styles layering" could help here.

both examples come from the cartographic front, they are well known
there because every DTP works like SVG does. it would be a great step to
go further than just what's possible for now

andré m. winter

Received on Tuesday, 17 October 2000 05:39:51 UTC