[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2024-09-04 [css-anchor-position][css-inline][css-box][css-overflow][css-easing]

  These are the official CSSWG minutes.
  Unless you're correcting the minutes,
 Please respond by starting a new thread
   with an appropriate subject line.

Anchor Positioning

  - RESOLVED: New WD for anchor positioning
  - RESOLVED: Undo the previous resolution and not add position-anchor
              and position-type to the position shorthand for now
              (Issue #10321: `position-anchor` should be defined as a
              longhand of `position`)

CSS Inline

  - The proposed behavior for issue #5335 (text-box-trim vs
      fragmentation) appeared to be what authors wanted, but there were
      concerns with implementability. There will be some discussion
      offline by the implementors before the issue is brought back for


  - Issue #10761 (Applying `margin-trim` to fragmentation containers)
      had the same concern about implementability and will be included
      in the offline conversations about issue #5335.

CSS Overflow

  - RESOLVED: No change to spec, add a note (Issue #10448: display:
              -webkit-box and line-clamp without -webkit-box-orient:

CSS Easing

  - RESOLVED: Allow linear() to have a single stop (Issue #10580:
              Linear easing function requires at least two points?)


Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2024Sep/0004.html

  Tab Atkins-Bittner
  Kevin Babbitt
  Andreu Botella
  Stephen Chenney
  Elika Etemad
  Chris Harrelson
  Daniel Holbert
  Ethan Jimenez Vargas
  Ian Kilpatrick
  Alison Maher
  Florian Rivoal
  Alan Stearns
  Miriam Suzanne

Scribe: andreubotella

Anchor Positioning

  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/6900

  astearns: Tab asked for a new WD for anchor positioning. If all of
            the edits have resolutions, we don't need a resolution for
            publishing a new version, but we might as well
  TabAtkins: Not 100% sure everything has a resolution. I might have
             made small edits that didn't have a proper resolution. We
             also have a lot of renamings that need to be reflected on
             the WD
  fantasai: Will review the changelog before publishing
  <florian> +1

  RESOLVED: New WD for anchor positioning

CSS Inline

text-box-trim vs fragmentation
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/5335

  fantasai: I was chatting with Jen Simmons about how text-box-trim
            interacts with fragmentation. We have a discussion about
            setting text-box-trim in a box in the flow that gets
            fragment, but not on the multicol element. There's a lot of
            column boxes inside it, should it apply to any of them?
  fantasai: Probably makes sense to apply to the first and last line
            box in each column
  fantasai: assuming there's no intervening padding or borders
  <chrishtr> +1
  <miriam> +1
  frivoal: Makes sense to me

  astearns: I know of a use case where we'd want to trim all of the top
            and bottom (?) of a column except for the very first and
            last. But we can handle that with the :column element
  frivoal: I'm aware of that for trimming margins, but this issue is
           about trimming the top and bottom of lines. Is that correct
           as well?
  astearns: You might be right that it might apply only to margins.
            There might also be a usefulness for lines. But yes, it
            should apply only to the top and bottom if it applies to
  bfgeek: My concern is that if applied to the end, it might shorten
          the column box, which might change the fragmentation point
  fantasai: When fragmenting, you'd have to be aware of whether the
            line box to add to a page is trimmed or not
  bfgeek: It's more complex, because of interactions with collapsing
          margins at the end
  bfgeek: I don't know if this is implementable for end trimming

  frivoal: In this issue we're talking about trimming leading in lines,
           does that also affect?
  astearns: We might need some make-forward-progress algorithm where
            you decide where the fragmentation break is, then apply the
            trimming, and not reconsider the break
  fantasai: It's similar to when trying to see if something fits, you
            truncate the margins. If there are borders or padding, you
            already cannot trim. It's different between line boxes and
            at the end of the element, so when you evaluate whether you
            fit, you trim the line box
  fantasai: if additional content fits, then you move forwards
  frivoal: It's clear it's desirable, but not clear how doable. Can we
           edit it later if it's too hard?
  fantasai: I think that's reasonable. Because margins are invisible,
            it doesn't matter whether you consider the box trim or not.
            It's only when placing the content and checking whether it
            fits before the end of the page is when you need to
            consider trimming

  bfgeek: What is the behavior with empty elements that are after this?
  bfgeek: If there's a subsequent empty element. That's not considered
          (?) if there's an empty element afterwards
  bfgeek: That's complex because we don't want to arbitrarily look
          forwards to see if this is the last
  fantasai: If the bottom edge of my box is 1em from the bottom of the
            page, but it has a bottom-margin of 2em
  fantasai: we truncate the margin to the extent necessary to make
            it fit

  dholbert: When fantasai was talking about how it works in practice,
            discounting the text-box-trim for the purposes of seeing if
            the element fits, should it also make the element draw a
            smaller border box if it happens to fit when this is taken
            into account?
  dholbert: Should the background extend to the bottom of the column?
  fantasai: Do you mean a block background or an inline background?
  dholbert: If the line of text has a background, I'm thinking of a
            span that has a background
  fantasai: As an author, you don't want to combine text-box-trim with
            a block background
  fantasai: in the long term, we might want to have a control for this,
            similar to margin-break for margins, but this would be the

  astearns: Should we specify the behavior as florian suggested, and
            reopen the issue if there are implementability concerns? or
            do we take it back to the issue for now?
  fantasai: I think this is what people would want if they set
            text-box-trim on multicolumn. The alternative is it doesn't
            apply at all
  frivoal: If it applies only to the first column, it's worse because
           you have unbalanced columns
  astearns: Any objections, dholbert and bfgeek?
  bfgeek: There's some complexity because, the way it works we'd need
          to backtrack. For example, you place a line box, there's 10px
          of space remaining. You need to lay out the next line box,
          because it might only be 8px
  bfgeek: But if it's 12px high, you need to backtrack and go to the
          previous line box, and then trim it, which is a bit scary
  bfgeek: you don't know if it's the last line box until you lay out
          the next line
  frivoal: Having it only apply to the first column and not the others
           will be ugly. In general, for the problem, if we only trim
           at the first column it's bad
  frivoal: Same for printing and pagination, if you have a multi-page
           document, you want the top and bottom to match
  bfgeek: At the minimum we'd want trim-top. I'll talk to Morten to see
          how feasible is trimming the bottom if we have to backtrack
  fantasai: Once you've decided that the line box fits, you can forget
            about whether you trimmed it. It only matters if you drew a
            background, and if you do, you have the question of where
            it ends
  fantasai: You have to make sure the background doesn't go beyond the
            fragmentainer edge
  bfgeek: It affects more things than that

  astearns: We should table the discussion of how it should work for
            now. bfgeek, are you okay having the conversation with
            Morten before resolving?
  bfgeek: Yeah
  frivoal: Can we resolve to do it on the start side and leave the end
           side open?
  astearns: We'll discuss that next time


Applying `margin-trim` to fragmentation containers
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/10761

  fantasai: Jen and I think it makes sense if an author applies
            margin-trim to a multicolumn container, that it should
            apply to both the top and bottom
  <fantasai> of the column box
  bfgeek: For grid and flex I don't think it's a problem. For block
          layout, we have the same problem as before: start is fine,
          end is even more complex than text-box-trim
  bfgeek: When you're processing an element, you fundamentally don't
          know the end margin of it
  andreubotella: For line-clamp: auto I'm keeping track of the bottom
                 margins in order to subtract relevant sizes when
                 computing block size
  andreubotella: That's currently implemented in Blink, but only when
                 you have line-clamp
  andreubotella: idk if it could be useful for this

  florian: In terms of use cases, this is important to consider,
           because trimming the margins at the start of all columns is
           something authors may want
  florian: This exists in AntennaHouse, which means there's demand
           for it
  <fantasai> https://www.w3.org/TR/css-break-4/#break-margins
  fantasai: We have that spec'd on the margin-break property. If it
            says keep, you keep it regardless of margin-trim
  bfgeek: I'm oscillating between "it's actually easier" and "it's
          harder". I'd like to talk to Morten about it
  bfgeek: we could resolve that it only applies to block layout
  bfgeek: that might be something to make forward progress

  PROPOSED: margin-trim only applies to a multicolumn container by
            trimming block-level margins at the top and bottom of each
            column box

  florian: Is this only multicolumn? Pages printed side-by-side have
           the same demands
  fantasai: What are you setting it on then?
  florian: The root?
  fantasai: They're both kind of similar, I'd like to resolve on this
            one sooner than later
  bfgeek: I'll meet with Morten next week and chat with him about this
  astearns: If we have not come back to this by TPAC, I'll make sure
            it's on the agenda then

Anchor Positioning Con't

`position-anchor` should be defined as a longhand of `position`
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/10321

  TabAtkins: A while back, we resolved to make position a shorthand for
             position-type (setting the absolute, fixed... keywords)
             and position-anchor
  TabAtkins: We've experimented since then, and the Chrome team would
             like to reverse this resolution
  TabAtkins: Compat reason: we'd thought there would be a stronger
             compat reason to not shorthand position or other
             properties, but upon further review, while there's still
             risk, it's not that bad
  TabAtkins: so we should consider shorthanding these older property
  TabAtkins: we don't want to do it without a good reason because it's
             risky though
  <TabAtkins> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/10321#issuecomment-2136102979
  TabAtkins: Also, after some thought, we don't agree with shorthand
             position being part of the position shorthand
  TabAtkins: while we have a pretty strong tradition of prefix name
             shorthands being shorthands for properties with the same
             prefix, but it's not as strong as thought
  TabAtkins: there's a list in that thread
  TabAtkins: The argument from language design is weaker than we
             thought, and that strengthens the argument for not
             making it
  TabAtkins: to make a reasonable shorthand out of this, you need more
             complex grammar, which makes it harder to use
  TabAtkins: This is in the category of properties that are adjacent to
             other properties but shouldn't be reset together
  TabAtkins: Shouldn't reset, especially if you're switching from
             static to fixed
  TabAtkins: so we object to making position a shorthand right now, and
             in particular with making position anchor a part of that

  astearns: Is the complexity of the shorthand across all the value
            spaces, or does it only get complex when trying to set
            anchor positioning values?
  TabAtkins: Both. The first, because anchor positioning only applies
             to static or fixed, ...
  fantasai: That's not true, if you set to sticky it would ignore all
            of the anchor positioning stuff
  TabAtkins: I think none is one of the few obvious counterexamples,
             but more complex distinctions we don't do too often
  TabAtkins: the second bit of complexity: ... and ... are custom
             idents, so we'd need to make them distinguishable
  <TabAtkins> like, `position: absolute --foo / --bar`
  TabAtkins: explicitly setting position: absolute, maybe with
             container in there, and then ... gives a more readable CSS
             in our opinion

  fantasai: We are interested in trying to address Chrome's concerns.
            We're happy with the spec as it is now until those concerns
            are solved, but not happy with reverting before

  florian: I agree with TabAtkins about the language not being
           consistent with the prefix not always being the shorthand.
           About position resetting all of the longhands, how important
           is it?
  fantasai: It depends on whether we want a shorthand that sets it
  fantasai: We'd have to design that and put it out to the whole
            working group
  florian: Even if the shorthand doesn't set it together, for the
           things that are set by position, would you have interference
           from the other things set by it if they don't get reset?
  florian: If we're reverting and leaving the issue open for now, I'm
           good with it
  TabAtkins: ... and insets and position-area being set together ...
  fantasai: That's a problem with the UA stylesheet

  RESOLVED: Undo the previous resolution and not add position-anchor
            and position-type to the position shorthand for now

CSS Overflow
  scribe: fantasai

display: -webkit-box and line-clamp without
    -webkit-box-orient: vertical
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/10448

  andreubotella: We had agreed to a compat workaround for line-clamp
  andreubotella: If you have -webkit-box and -webkit-box-orient:
  andreubotella: then either line-clamp or -webkit-line-clamp would
                 make it not a flex, and make it a block
  andreubotella: and -webkit-line-clamp would apply
  andreubotella: Issue is if you have line-clamp on block containers
  andreubotella: Should display: -webkit-box + line-clamp without
                 box-orient, should it also trigger the behavior of
                 making it a block container?
  andreubotella: I agree with Florian that -webkit-line-clamp only
                 applies with -webkit-box and
  andreubotella: but if you have [missed]
  andreubotella: if you have -webkit-box and line-clamp, is -box-orient
                 also required?

  florian: This problem is more difficult to describe than to solve
  florian: we have a weird compat hack that is required when you have
  florian: and is allowed for line-clamp
  florian: I don't think we need to generalize
  florian: we need to support the set for -webkit-line-clamp to work
  florian: It needs to not work when the whole set is not there,
           because the Web depends on it not triggering if any piece is
  florian: if you don't have the full thing, then don't blockify the
  florian: The non-hacky version doesn't apply to flexboxes
  florian: not helpful, and not needed for compat, so keep it simple
  florian: Already resolved that the new line-clamp works if you have
           the full set of weird stuff
  florian: but if you only have one of them, then we don't trigger the
           magic condition, and shouldn't
  florian: so proposal is no change, just clarify with a note
  astearns: Proposed no change to spec, add a note mentioning the new
            version doesn't interact with only part of the old hack

  RESOLVED: no change to spec, add a note

CSS Easing

Linear easing function requires at least two points?
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/10580

  TabAtkins: Reviewing the easing spec, I realized the algorithm for
             parsing the list of points in linear() didn't match up
             with how we do lists of points elsewhere, e.g.
  TabAtkins: where we allow single points
  TabAtkins: or one value with two positions
  TabAtkins: I'm hoping for resolution that we change the linear()
             parsing to be similar to gradient parsing
  TabAtkins: Allow a single value, whether 2 positions or 1 position
  TabAtkins: and do the obvious thing with that
  * fantasai doesn't understand what's obvious
  <TabAtkins> the "obvious" behavior is that it's a flat line at the
              given value
  astearns: Proposed to allow linear() easing function to have a single

  RESOLVED: Allow linear() to have a single stop

  astearns: OpenUI meeting tomorrow. Come talk about form controls!

Received on Tuesday, 24 September 2024 23:16:05 UTC