- From: Dael Jackson <daelcss@gmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 9 May 2019 07:11:21 -0400
- To: www-style@w3.org
========================================= These are the official CSSWG minutes. Unless you're correcting the minutes, Please respond by starting a new thread with an appropriate subject line. ========================================= Toronto F2F ----------- - Anyone attending should add their names to the wiki CSS Size Adjust --------------- - The spec needs more attention before it's ready for FPWD. CSS Text -------- - RESOLVED: Inline box boundaries don't affect line breaking opportunities (Issue #3886) - RESOLVED: Fixed width spaces U+2000 and up are treated like U+0020 and U+3000 -- hang / disappear at end of line (Issue #3879) - There was disagreement on how tabs should be handled in pre-wrap (Issue #3869) so Florian will add examples to the github issue of what tabs are used and what the options are for handling them. - RESOLVED: out-of-flows don't affect hyphenation (Issue #3862) CSS Pseudo ---------- - RESOLVED: Add .pseudo() to CSSPseudoElement once some stacked pseudo combination becomes a valid selector. Adjust .element return type to match. (Issue #3836) CSS Lists --------- - RESOLVED: Don't expand the list of properties that apply to ::marker (Issue #3826) Scroll Snap ----------- - RESOLVED: Use the writing mode of the container (Issue #3815: Clarify which writing-mode is used for scroll-snap-align, scroll container or snap position element?) CSSOM ----- - RESOLVED: Spec these methods, mark them deprecated, add ADVISEMENT to authors to not teach or use (Issue #3814: webkit/ blink methods on CSSStyleSheet) CSS Overflow ------------ - RESOLVED: For flex and grid, margins contribute to overflow (Issue #3653) ===== FULL MINUTES BELOW ====== Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2019May/0003.html Present: Rachel Andrew David Baron Amelia Bellamy-Royds Christian Biesinger Oriol Brufau Emilio Cobos Álvarez Benjamin De Cock Elika Etemad Tony Graham Peter Linss Anton Prowse Melanie Richards Florian Rivoal Jen Simmons Lea Verou Sean Voisen Fuqiao Xue Regrets: Rossen Atanassov Daniel Bates Tantek Çelik Simon Fraser Dael Jackson Brad Kemper Manuel Rego Casasnovas Alan Stearns Greg Whitworth Scribe: fantasai Toronto F2F =========== dbaron: If you're planning to come to Toronto, please add yourself to the wiki dbaron: and update whether you're coming to Houdini dbaron: and also dietary requirements, please email me <jensimmons> Link: https://wiki.csswg.org/planning/toronto-2019#participants CSS Size Adjust =============== plinss: FPWD? florian: Looking at the spec, seems like there are some issues that we should handle before FPWD dbaron: I was hoping to add some more before FPWD dbaron: Admittedly, it's been a long time and I haven't done that... xfq: FPWD is usually that the WG has consensus to work on the spec fantasai: A little more than that: agreement to work on it, but also that the general direction of the draft is acceptable myles: This is text-size-adjust, right? myles: We're interested in working with WG to standardize myles: can't commit any time in the short term tho AmeliaBR: Any IP reasons to get the call for exclusions out? [silence] florian: Issue 1 in the spec says that the subsection requires checking whether the section is correct florian: Giving further status to the spec risks confusing people rather than helping florian: Like to get to FPWD, but maybe not there yet. How do we get there? dbaron: If Apple folks can help in the medium term, that's helpful dbaron: What's in the draft is roughly what we had figured out for Gecko as of awhile ago dbaron: But Gecko impl may have changed a bit since then dbaron: I'd be inclined to wait and make some progress in the future dbaron: Maybe at F2F myles: I'm happy to talk offline CSS Text ======== Inline boundaries and wrapping ------------------------------ github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3886 florian: out-of-flow elements don't introduce a soft wrap opportunity florian: But doesn't say about inline boundaries florian: We have a WPT test for this, but not backed by spec florian: In the past Chrome had a bug where inline element boundaries suppressed wrap opportunities florian: Now sometimes have opposite bug that inline boundary introduces wrap opportunity florian: Any push back that putting a span around things doesn't change where line breaks can happen? fantasai: No, we should definitely spec this fantasai: "Inline boundaries don't affect line breaking opportunities" RESOLVED: Inline box boundaries don't affect line breaking opportunities Hanging/collapsing fixed-width spaces ------------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3879 florian: Spaces ... florian: Currently only U+0020 and U+3000 are able to hang florian: But other fixed-width spaces don't florian: don't know if there was a specific reason not to include them, or some kind of oversight fantasai: I think we knew that nbsp couldn't hang fantasai: so we only had U+0020 hang fantasai: Later on added ideographic space in response to feedback from Japan fantasai: Didn't re-evaluate other fixed-width space florian: Compat risk? fantasai: Probably low, most people don't know they exist fantasai: I'd be willing to change the spec and see how it goes fantasai: We'll need to except nbsp fantasai: Also ogham space mark? florian: There's about whether spaces can hang at the end of the line in pre-wrap florian: Separate question of whether they disappear when wrapping 'white-space: normal' florian: Not sure how to deal with ogham fantasai: Will have to as i18n <fantasai> http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/category/Zs/list.htm RESOLVED: Fixed width spaces U+2000 and up are treated like U+0020 and U+3000 -- hang / disappear at end of line Pre-wrap and tabs ----------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3869 florian: Also came up writing tests ... florian: We say what happens to spaces at the end of the line. We don't say what happens to tabs. florian: I suppose the same thing happens, but spec doesn't say florian: Spec describes tabs rendered as a shift, not a visible thing fantasai: Certainly if spaces after the tab, should be rendered as a shift fantasai: but at the end of the line, wouldn't be surprised if they disappeared ... fantasai: Definitely treat the same as spaces for break-spaces fantasai: not so sure for others myles: I agree with Florian, treat it like spaces. myles: It's a Unicode character just like any other fantasai: Its size changes depending on its position in the line florian: Spec allows UA to compress their width to zero at the end of the line, could do that with tabs also fantasai: That won't be allowed in L4 though fantasai: ... wrt myles's point about font shaping, characters change shape depending on context fantasai: But not depending on their position within the line, which is what tabs do ... fantasai: I'm not really sure what should happen, but I lean towards tabs not being allowed to hang fantasai: Partly for that, partly because they are quite large = 8 spaces by default florian: But you want your caret to be visible if you put it after the tab AmeliaBR: Tabs at the end of the line are rare. Also if you want to edit, you want to be able to see them. myles: Don't want too many special cases plinss: Tabs are used for delimiting things. Shouldn't disappear. fantasai: Who's saying anything about disappearing? I'm saying they shouldn't hang. Doesn't mean they disappear fantasai: Treat it just like a visible character, it causes text to wrap to the next line. fantasai: Hanging allows things to overflow even when there are sufficient wrapping opportunities in the line to not overflow myles: Tabs are more like spaces than visible characters florian: Like spaces or nbsp? AmeliaBR: Maybe continue this discussion in the issue, write out the options and add examples of how that would work for use cases e.g. editing text, viewing tab-delimited data, etc. ACTION Florian write up options <trackbot> Created ACTION-878 Unstyled inlines vs hyphenation ------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3862 florian: We resolved that unstyled inlines don't affect how hyphenation work florian: But forgot to ask about out-of-flow florian: For all other places in this spec where we say inlines don't have an effect, say the same thing about out-of-flow florian: So consistency seems good fantasai: I think it shouldn't myles: Linguistically that's wrong RESOLVED: out-of-flows don't affect hyphenation CSS Pseudo ========== CSSPseudoElement having a pseudo() method ----------------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3836 AmeliaBR: Seems to make sense to me, if a pseudo-element can have a pseudo-element, then having .pseudo() would make sense emilio: Have we decided yet how to make those styleable fantasai: Will be stylable with selectors like ::before::marker emilio: I would wait to add this method until that is allowed fantasai: So proposal is to add .pseudo() to CSSPseudoElement once stacked pseudo becomes a valid selector plinss: Side issue of whether to rename .element to .parent fantasai: Not always a parent TabAtkins: The full term is "originating element" but that was too long TabAtkins: So shortened to .element plinss: Need to reach pseudo-element between you and the element TabAtkins: Yeah, that's what .element would do plinss: OK TabAtkins: When we adopt this, just the return type would be adapted RESOLVED: Add .pseudo() to CSSPseudoElement once some stacked pseudo combination becomes a valid selector. Adjust .element return type to match. CSS Lists ========= ::marker vs other pseudo-elements --------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3826 <fantasai> I agree with https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3826#issuecomment-483320040 emilio: I think there was some confusion of whether 'display' applies to markers fantasai: Display doesn't currently apply to markers fantasai: and I don't think it should until marker layout is fully defined fantasai: and its interaction with display is also defined TabAtkins: Mats is arguing for much more than display TabAtkins: He's arguing for marker to take all properties, like ::before/::after TabAtkins: Is there a reason to stop at display or re-litigate after? Scribe: florian fantasai: The reason we have a limited list of properties is that because we don't know how marker layout works fantasai: so allowing these properties without knowing what they do is bad fantasai: We also don't know the size of the box, so any property that makes that visible is a problem fantasai: We don't know if line-height plays a role... many other properties have the problem fantasai: There are implementation specific answers, but so far they're not exposed fantasai: so if we expose them, me might accidentally lock compat on whatever ships first fantasai: So we should not emilio: Makes sense to me, will apply that to firefox fantasai: For now we just allow text related properties fantasai: eventually we want to relax that, but only after layout is defined <florian> https://www.w3.org/TR/css-pseudo-4/#marker-pseudo <florian> proposed resolution: don't expand the list of props that apply to ::marker RESOLVED: Don't expand the list of properties that apply to ::marker <fantasai> It would probably be OK to add more properties from css-text/text-decor <fantasai> those that apply to inlines Scroll Snap =========== Clarify which writing-mode is used for scroll-snap-align, scroll container or snap position element? ---------------------------------------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3815 fantasai: The question is which writing-mode is used for scroll-snap-align:start and the container and the containee have different writing-modes fantasai: The proposal is to use the writing-mode of the container fantasai: because that's what we do for alignment properties fantasai: We also have the self-start and self-end keywords if you want that fantasai: That made more sense to align all things the same side in a single container fantasai: This proposal is motivated by consistency with that jensimmons: Sounds reasonable to me plinss: Me too. objections? RESOLVED: Use the writing mode of the container jensimmons: I wanted to thank the group for the great hard work to make specs understandable. <bdc> (fully agree with jen) jensimmons: I have been at conferences, and after struggling with other specs, I really want to voice appreciation for doing it well as this group does. CSSOM ===== scribes: fantasai and florian webkit/blink methods on CSSStyleSheet ------------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3814 emilio: I got a compat issue report on this emilio: I'm planning to implement and spec emilio: It is sad that we need them, but it is also easy, so I'll just do it emilio: Anyone has a strong concern about adding this? plinss: I have been advocating for pushing such things to a side spec / compat spec TabAtkins: No, I want the compat spec to go away, it should be in the main spec plinss: That encourage new content to use it fantasai: We can mark them as deprecated, presented as a footnote, make warnings, etc fantasai: but still put them in the main spec <chris> I agree that deprecation is sufficient guidance for new content florian: The compat spec tends to have a lot less rigor than the mainstream specs have florian: It just documents existence of thing, not how it works florian: For things that aren't needed, let's not spec them. But things that are necessary for web-compat, then we need to spec them. florian: It's a disservice to implementers to not spec them. florian: If it wasn't necessary to implement, we wouldn't be speccing at all emilio: Regarding fantasai's point, PR just says "legacy features". Open to better suggestions. plinss: I'm OK as long as clearly marked as deprecated, as fantasai described plinss: Other thoughts? RESOLVED: Spec these methods, mark them deprecated, add ADVISEMENT to authors to not teach or use florian: When you do this, you can put them at the bottom of the spec, so only ppl who read the whole section notice them emilio, https://www.w3.org/StyleSheets/TR/2016/readme.html#advisement CSS Overflow ============ Margins and scrollable overflow ------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3653 fantasai: .... florian: For all things where we don't have a legacy constraint, I'm in favor of including margins, and this is one of them fantasai: For blocks we cannot just include the margins, because compat, but for grid and flex we don't have this problem fantasai: so when you put overflow on things, and have margins, authors expect them to show up [fantasai was explaining why spacing specified by the author should be included in scrollable overflow -- it's used for spacing, and needs to provide that spacing between item and bottom/right edges of scroll container] [but have compat issues with block containers, would create too many unexpected scrollbars; so adapting for grid flexbox only] Proposed resolution: for flex and grid, margins contribute to overflow RESOLVED: For flex and grid, margins contribute to overflow
Received on Thursday, 9 May 2019 11:12:15 UTC