- From: Dael Jackson <daelcss@gmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2019 05:20:38 -0400
- To: www-style@w3.org
========================================= These are the official CSSWG minutes. Unless you're correcting the minutes, Please respond by starting a new thread with an appropriate subject line. ========================================= Writing Modes ------------- - Coming out of the F2F there is a push to get Writing Modes to REC status. Before next week's telecon, there will be follow-up done to check into getting Mozilla to conform to a change in the spec. CSS Display ----------- - RESOLVED: Republish Display CSS Grid -------- - RESOLVED: Accept change in https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/commit/5a43ab7210d08c9a012a7697eb39a382f8133079 (Issue #3694: How to distribute space using flex ratios when the sum is 0?) - RESOLVED: Accept change in https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3693 ("Maximize Tracks" shouldn't distribute equally for flexible tracks) - RESOLVED: Accept proposal in https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3683 (Don't expand flexible tracks under a min-content constraint) Color Adjust ------------ - The group will wait a few more weeks to see if anyone has a concrete proposal to handle the concerns in issue #3880 (Combine forced-color-adjust and color-adjust properties somehow?). If there's no proposal the group will close the issue no change. - RESOLVED: Computed value of color-scheme will match its specified value (Issue #3848: Disallow repetition of color-scheme keywords?) - Before deciding if multiple color-scheme <meta> values should take the first or the last value (Issue #3846) TabAtkins will investigate if other <meta>s do first or last. This will allow the group to see if this is something that can be standardized so authors don't have to try and remember which <meta>s behave which way. CSS Lists --------- - The group generally agreed that option/optgroup should be able to set counters (Issue #4004) though there were concerns about how it would interact with things like display:none. TabAtkins and fantasai will come up with proposed spec text for the group to review and debate. CSS Inline ---------- - The group would like `text` of `leading-trim` to be interoperable (Issue #3978) but there were concerns that browsers aren't using the same tables for calculations so interoperability may not be possible. - At a higher level there is a desire to make new font functions handled the same for all browsers and OSs even if older values cannot be. - The group ran out of time so discussion will continue in the GitHub issue ===== FULL MINUTES BELOW ====== Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2019Jun/0002.html Present: Rachel Andrew Rossen Atanassov Tab Atkins Amelia Bellamy-Royds Christian Biesinger Benjamin De Cock Elika Etemad Koji Ishii Dael Jackson Brad Kemper Rune Lillesveen Chris Lilley Peter Linss Myles Maxfield Anton Prowse Florian Rivoal Alan Stearns Lea Verou Eric Willigers Regrets: David Baron Oriol Brufau Dave Cramer Brian Kardell Manuel Rego Casasnovas Melanie Richards Jen Simmons Greg Whitworth Scribe: dael Writing Modes ============= astearns: We've got all writing modes folks. At F2F I was told it was a week to get writing modes to rec florian: It was a full time week of work, not a calendar week. Also with some assumptions that need to be verified florian: Assumptions are there's one thing that needs to be checked for Gecko conformance. Sent an email to dbaron but haven't seen if he replied astearns: Is there an issue for Gecko? florian: dbaron did reply but I haven't read. There are failing tests for Gecko, but don't know if there's an issue astearns: Let's get back next week call or through github issues. Like to make sure there's an issue logged for changes in Gecko if that's the case fantasai: I should spend time next week digging through impl report. 5 second look we had failing tests due to broken tests so some work will need to go into that. Don't know how much astearns: Could I ask you to start that this week? fantasai: I'm at AB meeting so no astearns: By next week I'll expect to hear from florian about Mozilla issue. Then we can decide how much we can get done after that. I want to make steady work on this week to week florian: Anyone hears this is 40 work hours with no one being paid to do it. astearns: And that needs to be solved. <dbaron> fwiw I filed https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/4026 in response to Florian's email astearns: Anything to add or change in agenda? CSS Display =========== Parent box of run-in or non-principal box github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3158 fantasai: Trying to load this. I suspect this issue is just verifying something astearns: This is where you asked for repub so maybe this should be the last. fantasai: I think we brought this in F2F when requested publication. I think we reviewed astearns: And there are changes from a month ago. No changes to spec since F2F fantasai: I think when we resolved to publish it was including these and we forgot to remove agenda+ astearns: We did resolve to republish a month ago? fantasai: Yeah astearns: It's just not in this issue. astearns: That was display. fantasai: Yes, we don't have resolution for grid. Do for display astearns: Should we re-resolve to publish display? fantasai: I think resolution was in F2F but we can do it again astearns: Objections to republish Display? astearns: There's a DoC and a diff <chris> sounds good to me RESOLVED: Republish Display CSS Grid ======== How to distribute space using flex ratios when the sum is 0? ------------------------------------------------------------ github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3694 fantasai: This was we forgot to handle divide by 0 case when dividing. Minimal fix to only do that if the sum is >0. If sum is 0 we distribute space equally <fantasai> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/commit/5a43ab7210d08c9a012a7697eb39a382f8133079 fantasai: diff^ fantasai: Refers to how we split up space for intrinsic track sizes. Have to distribute space even though it's flex 0. If there are flex ratios we can use we do. If they're all 0 we can't divide so we say do equally in that case astearns: Any comments? astearns: I don't see in diff anything about distributing equally fantasai: [reads] astearns: Alright so default case is in previous text? fantasai: Yes. astearns: Objections? RESOLVED: Accept change in https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/commit/5a43ab7210d08c9a012a7697eb39a382f8133079 "Maximize Tracks" shouldn't distribute equally for flexible tracks ------------------------------------------------------------------ github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3693 fantasai: This was another fix for errors fantasai: There was a statement where we made a mistake saying treat max sizing same as min sizing. Trying to select a class of tracks and didn't use the right words. astearns: Okay fantasai: Just fixing an error. Happy is people want to look at it astearns: Given issue discussion looks correct. oriol said it looks good fantasai: These were co-edited with oriol so he thinks they're correct astearns: Comments on this change? Objections? RESOLVED: Accept change in https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3693 Don't expand flexible tracks under a min-content constraint ----------------------------------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3683 fantasai: Case where spec forgot to consider min content correctly. Implementations do logical and don't expand track to take up space. Changing spec to match implementations and do thing you expect which is size to smaller end when under min-content constraint. fantasai: If you can shrink something down without overflow then min-content constraint should be that amount and not bigger. Spec violated concept, implementations did correct. Trying to match them up astearns: Any comment? I note you asked for TabAtkins or Rossen to comment fantasai: I'd prefer to get their +1 TabAtkins: I'll review shortly astearns: Resolve or wait on review? TabAtkins: I trust fantasai so resolve. If I find a mistake I'll say something Rossen: On the same page. Proposed doesn't seem crazy, just need to look at overall algorithm fit. I'm sure fantasai spent more cycles so I trust her astearns: Other comments? astearns: Objections to this change? RESOLVED: Accept proposal in https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3683 astearns: All three of these look like they need tests or need tests verified. Have there been any? fantasai: None in wpt yet. I'll check with oriol and he might know more astearns: TabAtkins as you review can you check in tests? TabAtkins: Sounds good astearns: Once we have tests anything to keep us from updating CR? fantasai: Probably tests for other things. I think most that should be fixed is but there might be one or two not. astearns: I suspect no DoC yet. fantasai: Right. Bulk of work is that and changes section astearns: Anything else on grid? fantasai: I'm going to say no Color Adjust ============ Combine forced-color-adjust and color-adjust properties somehow? ---------------------------------------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3880 astearns: Was on F2F, didn't get to it. fantasai: I think this would have been better at F2F. I don't know if there's anything for call. We need a concrete proposal to discuss on a call that handles this issues fantasai: If anyone is interested keep track of issue. Someone needs to make a proposal before we can move forward astearns: Anything else before we punt? AmeliaBR: I have a rough proposal in the issue. More I think the more I think it's not worth it. I would be comfortable resolving no change but we can leave the issue open pending a good proposal chris: I think they're better separate. dbaron comment is on the money there astearns: fantasai think we should close no change? fantasai: I'd give another couple weeks to see if we can solve dbaron concerns and if not we close it. astearns: Any other comments? Disallow repetition of color-scheme keywords? --------------------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3848 TabAtkins: For future extensibility we allowed arbitrary keywords and they're ignored. Question is what happens when you repeat color-scheme keyword? We don't want to disallow, but do we keep it in computed value? Collapse along the way? TabAtkins: No strong argument either way TabAtkins: Originally thought there was an efficiency argument but that's not true if trying to preserve unknown. I think conclusion is keep the same and don't simplify. TabAtkins: Just have computed value = specified value astearns: Any comments? <futhark> I’m fine with either, it’s just that dropping duplicates means having to keep track of them during parsing <futhark> Which requires a hash map or something astearns: So close no change? TabAtkins: I don't recall current state TabAtkins: Let me look TabAtkins: It would be changing spec astearns: That computed is same as specified value TabAtkins: Yes astearns: Objections to computed value of color-scheme match its specified value? RESOLVED: Computed value of color-scheme will match its specified value What happens with multiple <meta>s? ----------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3846 TabAtkins: Meta name = color-scheme lets you set initial color-scheme so we can get that value out quick. What happens if you use multiple? Two obvious options are take the first or take the last valid one. Precedent both ways TabAtkins: I propose we take the first so we get the value as quickly as possible so don't have to wait for rest of page to load before we apply effects AmeliaBR: Since whole point of meta is to get it asap it does make sense. We have examples in HTML that are consistent TabAtkins: theme-value also takes the first so it's consistent that way fantasai: I would consider multiple to be an error case. If you're flipping colors constantly that's your fault. I think it benefits authors if we're consistent and agree with smfr it should be one rule for all meta tags fantasai: Given oldest is viewport that means using last one TabAtkins: Using last for viewport gives the bad behavior you listed. I think viewport fell out of viewport defined as equivalent to a stylesheet fantasai: It's an error case. If author wants correct they should not put multiple. I think it's fine if broken isn't correct. Consistent story for authors is more important that it's always last. Arbitrariness is more disruptive then having to keep all the things TabAtkins: But if we have to take last, we can't render until have downloaded enough of HTML. I agree with consistency argument. I'd like to be consistent with first and see if we can adjust viewport. fantasai: If you want to go that route it's fine. I think it's important we're consistent. If you want to see first is web compat that's good. astearns: Sounds like we already have different. I'm concerned about hitching consistency to viewport given comment from futhark that viewport is last one inserted into doc. TabAtkins: Yeah, ours is messed up. We should not rely on viewport behavior smfr: Before that comment I was reluctant on viewport. Changing viewport now does have more web compat concerns. I would love all meta tags to have same. Need to figure out dynamically inserted nodes smfr: UA might not process meta tags until end of head. Just because you have multiple doesn't mean you'll see flashes, UA can wait until end of head. TabAtkins: Certainly can, but end of head could be different packet and flush the queue. Definitely different behaviors allowed. myles: Procedurally meta tag is defined in HTML. If we decide something here is there anyone that can make edits to resolve this? <AmeliaBR> We are currently defining the meta value: https://drafts.csswg.org/css-color-adjust-1/#color-scheme-meta TabAtkins: Should try and get agreement on consistent behavior and get that into general meta authoring guidelines astearns: But this needs to be specified elsewhere TabAtkins: Yes, actual definition is in HTML. They are deferring to us on this since we're defining it astearns: I'm assuming that for web compat reasons we're not going to be able to change current viewport. Given that would anyone object to spec that the color-scheme meta will match theme-color and take first one found? smfr: What happens with other meta like char-set? TabAtkins: I do not know. But those are also more super legacy and likely to be weird astearns: Would be nice to have answer smfr: Agree. fantasai: Don't want to resolve without jensimmons or rachelandrew astearns: Fair fantasai: I believe impact to author is bigger concern then get the earliest possible TabAtkins: We've got 2 css things that are inconsistent so we'll have to change something. Maybe we have a new policy and legacy is legacy. fantasai: If it's completely inconsistent and we can't align I'm fine with a going forward policy. If it's possible to align them all we should go that way <fantasai> Or even to align most of them astearns: TabAtkins can I ask you to do survey of meta tags that effect css? TabAtkins: Looking at it. It's a consequence of algorithm and not stated in spec so I'm chasing it down astearns: Let's wait on this issue until we get the survey and comments from authoring advocates. Sound good? TabAtkins: mmhmm <rachelandrew> I'll take a better look at issue 3846 and see if I have any thoughts from the authoring pov. Multicol ======== column-fill should behave more similarly in paginated and continuous contexts --------------------------------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/4036 rachelandrew: Is dbaron on? He'll be needed florian: I think I can represent rachelandrew: There was a comment from Morten. Maybe worth waiting astearns: Thanks florian but better to move on CSS Lists ========= Should option/optgroup be able to set counters? ----------------------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/4004 TabAtkins: Technically per CSS they are descendant of replaced so don't generate boxes. If continuing the current resolution that counters work on box tree there's no box to let them set or change counter. However FF and previous Edge allow it. Chromium does not TabAtkins: There are use cases for this and a chromium issue to fix and allow setting of counters. TabAtkins: Chrome devs discussing if they should, but no conclusion TabAtkins: This may effect related issues like if SVG elements can set counters. TabAtkins: We need to figure out exact terminology. fantasai's proposal is go one level up to also things that are like boxes, but not css boxes for layout terms and allow those to host counters. TabAtkins: I'm fine with that. Proposal is allow optin/optgroup and other things that are like boxes outside the css model to effect counters astearns: sgtm AmeliaBR: Makes sense. I'd like a more explicit definition to what is and isn't like a box TabAtkins: I prefer to define a new term other specs could hook and we define what that is for HTML and SVG. Other markup languages could say they are that thing even though they don't generate css boxes astearns: Other comments? smfr: Sounds a little confusing for interactions with display:none. If you have optgroup that contributes to counters and you display:none it does it still contribute? TabAtkins: I don't think display:none does anything to optin smfr: If you have one of these how do you stop contributing to counters TabAtkins: You don't set the counter. the display:none wasn't an intentional choice, it was legacy smfr: Sounds like it will complicate code to determine what contributes to counters. May be odd interaction with other properties is what I'm saying fantasai: I kinda disagree, I would expect display:none to have effect on counters. You're processing css properties and counters is one of them. I don't have strong opinion on this <TabAtkins> http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/saved/7018 apparently 'display' does work on <option> in Chrome... TabAtkins: If someone with FF or older Edge can check that link I want to see if display has effect in other smfr: [missed] <futhark> Display:none affected in firefox <smfr> webkit shows the ‘bar’ in the testcase <futhark> that is, removed from select rendering <smfr> filed webkit.org/b/199011 Rossen: We do not support counters inside of display:none. Only time we did something more interesting is if gCS was called inside and we'd have something to calculate in the sub tree. I think we backed it out because it was fragile fantasai: I think proposal is that anything that is a replaced element has nothing to do with counters or we have something represented in render tree and not display:none and they can have counters astearns: Either way implementations would need to change because we're not interop TabAtkins: Yeah TabAtkins: And we're buckwild with what styles can effect inside a select fantasai: If we have an idea we want to do this how about TabAtkins and I come up with specific wording that deals with the issues brought up here. We can bring it back and think about how it effects different impl astearns: Objections to that path? ACTION TabAtkins and fantasai develop spec text for https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/4004 <trackbot> Created ACTION-881 Counter scopes should be based on box tree, not element tree ------------------------------------------------------------ github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/674 TabAtkins: fantasai added the agenda. I'm curious why. There's a person asking about implications but don't know what to discuss fantasai: I don't remember astearns: We have a comment with different cases TabAtkins: I need to look through his HTML cases to figure out what they're trying to favor. I think we have to defer for now astearns: My reading is here are the cases that show a difference. Not sure they're picking a side <fantasai> I think the issue was https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/674#issuecomment-333541595 CSS Inline ========== Make `text` of `leading-trim` interoperable? -------------------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3978 astearns: This is F2F leftover koji: The leading-trim has text representing text-top and text-bottom. text-top and text-bottom isn't browser interop or even on same browser across OSs. prop is to define. One proposal is to use specific ascender and descender. Another is em height. This isn't defined in CSS but algorithm is from gecko koji: Seems to do a good job for non-tall scripts fantasai: I don't think I agree with a platform text value for this metric. I think people looking to trim are looking for a particular value. Does make sense to have other two, ascent, descent and em height. If we want to define an existing keyword to do that or add a new I'm less sure fantasai: Interesting question of these metrics which do we want myles: Like to not parse tables myself. Likely look up the functions. not sure if that defeats purpose. fantasai: It means you can't read the sTypo metrics? myles: Can but takes a lot of code to get the table and figure out the values and convert koji: If you call core text ascendant and descendant aren't interop myles: If there was a interop field we property would just hook that field up to core text field which defeats purpose of interop field so that's unfortunate koji: Clarify, the division of leading trim where authors use webfonts so it's the same binary on all platforms and browsers. If they use font-top they see different layout result. For this property I think having the same result for same font value is quite important <fantasai> +1 to koji astearns: Your last comment is that if for whatever reason web font is serving two values typo text won't be interop if metrics are different in font files. We're looking for interop if same font files is served. astearns: I don't know if it's the case that if you have the same font file that the different text rendering systems will us OS2 table data chris: Probably not. Was the case that they all used different tables astearns: So even if we do spec that you have to get data out of font file we'd still end up with bad interop due to different text rendering koji: Could be differences of rounding. Most of difference in font metrics comes from open type fonts having 3 different metrics and each platform uses different of 3. If browsers use same metrics should be interop astearns: I'm not sure browsers are using same metrics koji: Blink we use same metric as one platform uses. Even if same web fonts blink uses different metrics depending on platform koji: We rely on platform API to read metrics <fantasai> And this drives authors crazy myles: meta question- if we resolve on this to have interop do you expect to apply this to other css properties. Like we'd have to implement new type system to get interop or is this one-off koji: At least for new things I'd like interoperable ones. Some reasons we may need existing ones, legacy reasons or future platform behavior. in those cases I'm fine to provide options. <fantasai> +1 astearns: Should we continue later since we're at time? myles: Good idea astearns: Let's continue in GH and we'll come back astearns: Thanks everyone and we'll talk next week
Received on Thursday, 20 June 2019 09:21:47 UTC