Re: [css-writing-modes] Vertical upright Mongolian intrinsic orientation

Le 2017-05-02 16:05, fantasai a écrit :
> On 01/10/2017 06:31 AM, Kari Pihkala wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I’m trying to figure out what is the correct way to render traditional 
>> Mongolian text in upright text-orientation.
>> The Writing Modes 3 spec says: “Typographic character units from 
>> vertical scripts are typeset with their intrinsic
>> orientation” [1].
>> Mongolian is listed as a vertical script with a vertical intrinsic 
>> direction (ttb) [2].
>> Here’s my test case:
>> I tried it in Chrome55 and Firefox50 on Mac/Windows10 (on Mac 10.12, 
>> the default font didn’t display any text orientation
>> correctly, so I had to install the Mongolian White font [3]).
>> The mixed and sideways Mongolian texts are rendered correctly, but the 
>> upright text isn’t. Does it mean that browsers are
>> typesetting Mongolian upright text wrong?
> If it's typesetting correctly in mixed orientation, but not upright,
> it's a browser bug.


I am confused by last sentence of next-to-last paragraph of section 5.0:

Scripts with a native vertical orientation have an intrinsic 
bi-orientational transform, which orients them correctly in vertical 
text: most CJK (Chinese/Japanese/Korean) characters translate, that is, 
they are always upright. **Characters from other scripts, such as 
Mongolian, rotate.**
5. Introduction to Vertical Text Layout

If Mongolian is known to be a vertical-only, vertical native orientation 
script, then I think the sentence between the pair of ** should be 
removed, otherwise corrected.

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Received on Friday, 30 June 2017 00:58:30 UTC