[css-writing-modes] Direction and writing-mode on table rows/row-groups etc.

(s/css-writing-mode/css-writing-modes/ in subject)

On Sun, Jun 25, 2017 at 3:50 PM, Simon Sapin <simon.sapin@exyr.org> wrote:

> On 26/06/2017 00:16, Xianzhu Wang wrote:
>> I just tried http://output.jsbin.com/cufubiv on Firefox which supports
>> logical properties to see how 'direction' and 'writing-mode' on TBODY are
>> handled, and I summarize as below:
>> - The properties affect logical styles;
>> - The properties don't affect order of table rows and columns;

I think this makes sense since there can be multiple tbody’s in the same
> table. So the order/direction of rows and colums is based on the properties
> of the table elements.

- The properties are inherited by descendants;
>> I think Firefox's behavior is reasonable, but it would be better if the
>> spec defined it more precisely. For example, we may need clarification
>> about the applicability of 'writing-mode' (which is currently described as
>> not applicable to table-row-groups, etc.), and how 'direction' (which is
>> described as applicable to all elements) on table-row-groups etc. affects
>> column order.
Agreed. However, the spec looks unclear about this. Also if we think the
Firefox behavior about logical properties is correct, the spec also looks
inaccurate to say that 'writing-mode' is not applicable on tbody etc.
because the property affects logical properties of the elements.

Received on Tuesday, 27 June 2017 16:08:32 UTC