Re: [selectors4] multiple pseudo-elements per selector

Thanks fantasai

so the reasons that multiple pseudo-elements isn't allowed is primarily
implementation complexity and (I assume) performance implications of that
complexity, rather than any philosophical objections?

Do any examples of specific combinations that are potentially allowable
spring to mind?


On Wed, Jun 21, 2017 at 7:43 PM, fantasai <>

> On 06/21/2017 12:02 PM, Bruce Lawson wrote:
>> Hello fellow Stylistics
>> ever since I can remember, the line "A future version of this
>> specification may allow multiple pseudo-elements per selector."
>> What's the reason for that? What's the reason it's not currently allowed?
> Pseudo-elements aren't just filtering which element is selected:
> they actually create structure in the box tree. So if we have a
> pseudo element attached to a pseudo-element, it creates a box
> structure that doesn't currently exist, and pseudo-element box
> structures can be particularly intricate and complicated to
> implement since many of them don't fit into the box's tree
> structure.
> Therefore we intend to only allow specific combinations--those
> that are needed for particular use cases.
> ~fantasai

Bruce Lawson

Received on Wednesday, 21 June 2017 17:58:14 UTC