Re: Repetition in style sheets

> I think most web designers are visual people, not language people, so they
> don't encode the deep structure of the design, just whether a particular bit
> of text is a particular colour, etc.  CSS works better if you think deeper
> about the structure.  Most designers would probably be happy with
> everything inline.

More of a tangent I suppose but I find we’ve gone through some
interesting changes, in that the cost of violating orthogonality has
gone down quite a bit. Viz., inlining (but also what’s called atomic
now) would have caused massive maintenance troubles in the past,
whereas now these have become much less of a burden (and cost).
Personally I still prefer and recommend strict separation of concerns
(and with that, continued use of functional ID and class names) but
the whole debate has changed.

(Incidentally, I’m currently surveying what makes for good
maintainability with

Jens Oliver Meiert

Received on Friday, 2 June 2017 14:15:40 UTC