Re: Shorthands resetting properties they cannot set

Le 2017-12-15 04:22, Florian Rivoal a écrit :

> So, for me, it seems there's 3 parts of to this argument:
> 1) Should shorthands reset related longhands if even if they cannot set 
> them?
> I say yes in the cases where not resetting the longhands would mean
> the shorthand wouldn't do the expected job.

So you should be for "border: thin solid red" resetting a 
"border-radius: 50%" then.
And you should be for "font: 20px Times New Roman" resetting 
"font-size-adjust: 0.545" then.

> If i say "border: thin solid red" or "background: url("foo.jpg")" I
> want a solid thin red border or a foo.jpg background. I want that to
> remain true when more properties are added to CSS, otherwise
> maintenance becomes harder.
> 2) Should the above behavior be true for some property and not others?
> That looks messy and hard to learn.
> 3) Should border-image exist?

I think it should be renamed, it should use an identifier better 
describing what it does and what it can do. How about "border-box-layer" 
or "image-box-layer"?


Received on Friday, 15 December 2017 15:54:22 UTC