Re: [css3-conditional] Is this test correct?

The test is correct for what it measures: whether `caption-side: left` is a
valid declaration for an @supports rule, according to the CSS parser.

That doesn't *always* mean that it is supported by the rendering engine for
what you want.
Sometimes the parser supports a declaration, but the property is only used
in certain situations.  For example, there are lots of properties which are
only used for SVG elements or only for HTML/CSS box-model elements, in
certain browsers.  An `@supports` test cannot distinguish those cases.
It's a limitation of the way `@supports` is defined.

For `caption-side`, my first guess was that maybe left and right are
supported, but only in vertical writing modes.  But that does not appear to
be true, either:

Since the Chrome CSS parser is claiming support, but there does not appear
to be any underlying implementation, that's a serious bug to file on
Chrome.  Have you filed? Have you received a response?


On the broader issue of how this should affect CSS WG tests, that's a lot
more complicated.  CSS authors need to be able to rely on `@supports`!

The CSS WG could theoretically create `@supports` tests for every
CSS-defined property and property value, as part of the test suite for each
property.  The declaration should pass `@supports` if (and only if) it also
passes the core tests for that property or value.

But you can't write tests for every possible eventuality, measuring
`@supports` for every possible or proposed property or keyword value. You
can therefore never test for certain that `@supports` never returns a false
positive for non-standard features (and, as far as I can tell,
`caption-side: left` is non-standard, although established enough to make
it to the MDN page).

This is a persistent issue with any type of support-testing platform
feature: one bad implementation returning false positives makes the feature
unreliable everywhere.  It's why the `.hasFeature()` API is deprecated, and
the SVG requiredFeatures attribute with it.  I don't have any suggestions
for how to fix it, beyond filing bugs whenever you find them, so that the
number of affected browser versions is as small as possible.


On 10 April 2017 at 20:05, Gérard Talbot <> wrote:

> Hello,
> Is this test correct?
> es/supports-caption-side-left.html
> Chrome 55+ claims to support 'caption-side: left' ... but that is not
> true, hence my question.
> Gérard

Received on Tuesday, 11 April 2017 15:16:18 UTC