- From: Oriol _ <oriol-bugzilla@hotmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2016 20:11:55 +0000
- To: Anton Nemtsev <anton.nemtsev@vaimo.com>, "www-style@w3.org" <www-style@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <VI1PR09MB0029BEE3CC29FC3A0139E0BE978C0@VI1PR09MB0029.eurprd09.prod.outlook.com>
I said the following code would be an infinite loop because if an element is in view, then the selector selects it and hides it. So presumably it becomes out of view, then the selector no longer applies, and the element becomes in view again. And so on. ```css :in-view(all) { display: none; } ``` If `display: none` for some reason is not considered to make the element become out of view, then consider something like ```css :in-view(all) { position: fixed; right: -1000000000000px } ``` - Oriol ________________________________ How could it be infinite loop? Elements would just disappear at the moment they will fit in to viewport. I have another question: May we say that element with visibility:hidden actually IS inside viewport? It have size, so... And what about display:none? Such elements don't have size, but I think they have a position... Anton Nemtsev Frontend Developer +38 050 277 38 82<tel:+380502773882> anton.nemtsev@vaimo.com<mailto:anton.nemtsev@vaimo.com> [Vaimo Logo] <http://www.vaimo.com/> Vaimo Zhylianska str. 31 Kiev, Ukraine +38 044 364 19 66<tel:+380443641966> | www.vaimo.com<http://www.vaimo.com/> We are hiring - Help us grow! vaimo.com/careers<http://www.vaimo.com/careers/> Follow us: [Vaimo Facebook] <http://www.facebook.com/VaimoGlobal> [Vaimo Twitter] <https://twitter.com/vaimoglobal> [Vaimo LinkedIn] <http://www.linkedin.com/company/2510355> On 30 November 2016 at 21:42, Oriol _ <oriol-bugzilla@hotmail.com<mailto:oriol-bugzilla@hotmail.com>> wrote: I think this could produce infinite loops: ```css :in-view(all) { display: none; } ``` - Oriol ________________________________ Hi folks! It would be perfect if we get the next pseudo class: :in-view() with a different parameters :in-view(all) - selected node is 100% visible in viewport :in-view(partial) - selected node is partially visible in viewport :in-view(none) - selected node is outside of viewport And inverted logic using :not() :not(:in-view(all)) - synonym of :in-view(none) :not(:in-view(partial)) - selected node is partially INvisible in viewport :not(:in-view(none)) - synonym of :in-view(all) Real cases are the next. If I have some absolutely positioned popup blocks inside of relative positioned ones, sometimes it fall out from viewport due relative block position I would like to return that block into a viewport again. Now I have to use JS. Other one is sticky behavior. I can hide something or change the position just using :in-view(partial) selector. I don't need position: sticky anymore :) So, what do you think about it? -- s0rr0w
Received on Wednesday, 30 November 2016 20:12:32 UTC