Re: [css-syntax]The emperor isn't naked, but he's wearing his underpants on his head

Le 2016-11-05 20:01, Gérard Talbot a écrit :
> Le 2016-11-05 19:03, Felix Miata a écrit :
>> Gérard Talbot composed on 2016-11-05 17:47 (UTC-0400):
>>> An inline style is (should be!) for an unique element.
>>> Therefore, an inline style should be more specific than a class.
>> That only works if the only styles are author, or if users aren't
>> supposed to have ultimate control.
> Yes. If media (origin) is the same and if importance (user, author,
> user agent with !important or not) is the same, then inline style is
> more specific than a class attribute.
>> AFAICT, inline styles are
>> hopelessly immune to user overrides,
> Hm... no. An author inline style can be (will be and should be)
> overriden by an user !important class attribute. Untangling
> specificity only comes after untangling importance. And I believe the
> CSS 2.1 test suite has not tested this... can not find it in
> [
> I think we need to test this... Something like:
>  <body>
>         <p id="cascade">PREREQUISITE: The <a
> href="support/cascade.css">"cascade.css"</a> file is enabled as the
> user agent's user style sheet.</p>
>         <p>Test passes if "Text sample" is green.</p>
>         <h1 class="cascadegreenimportant" style="color: red;">Text 
> sample</h1>
>  </body>
> where the user style sheet is:
> ]


I just tested this with Stylish 2.0.7 for Firefox

and with

userScriptCSS 1.4 for Chrome

on this test:

and it works. Firefox 49.0.2 and Chrome 54.0.2840.90 pass this test.


Received on Sunday, 6 November 2016 01:23:49 UTC