Re: @else in Media Queries

10.06.2016, 17:30, "Daniel Glazman" <>:
> For the time being, any deletion in a stylesheet always results
> in a valid stylesheet.

An arbitrary deletion (e.g. removing an opening brace while keeping the corresponding closing one) could make a stylesheet invalid.

> But if we have the following:
>   @media .... {
>      ...
>   }
>   @else {
>      ...
>   }
> and if you remove the @media part, you end up with an invalid statement
> (the standalone @else).

That's perfectly OK on its own.

> All existing code, everywhere on the Web,
> performing deletions in a stylesheet will need to be updated to care
> for that.

Supporting any new syntax-wise feature naturally involves changes in software. I'm not sure about the point of software intended just to perform arbitrary unaware deletions.

Received on Friday, 10 June 2016 16:23:26 UTC