Re: [css-fonts] font-language-override

On 01/06/16 01:35, Levantovsky, Vladimir wrote:

> I am not sure why font-language-override is really needed, can’t a 
> developer simply define a span with another language tag [the one 
> which behavior one wants to mimic]? Won’t the end result be the same ?

The point of the font-language-override is to enable an author to 
specify an OTL language system as supported in a font, in order to 
affect a particular typographic display, while retaining accurate 
document language tagging. Your suggestion fails in the latter regard, 
requiring inaccurate document language tagging in order to affect a 
particular display.

The example I give is a document in Macedonian language, displayed with 
a webfont that provides Cyrillic variant letters desirable for 
Macedonian but only associated in that font with a Serbian OTL language 
system tag. Instead of hacking the font to add a Macedonian language 
system feature tree, which is both technically non-trivial and may not 
be permitted under font license, an author can use 
font-language-override to activate the Serbian OTL language system 
display behaviour for the Macedonian document text.

> Depending on complex mappings from @lang to OpenType lang is a lot of 
> work, currently being done for you by font designers. This is a 
> duplication of effort and a maintenance burden; just support 
> font-language-override. It is there for a reason.
> OpenType maintains its own language tag system where the mappings in 
> most cases are 1:1 and in some cases are n:1, but I wouldn’t consider 
> it a complex mapping – as far as user is concerned, there is always a 
> straightforward mapping from a content language tag to the OT language 
> tag. Changing the content language tag, e.g. by defining a span with a 
> different tag, should do the trick.

I'm going to be pedantic and insist that we use the full correct term 
'language system' for the OTL tags — even though it is itself a 
misleading misnomer —, because it is important to note that these are 
*not* language tags, but a means of activating particular typographic 
display, which may or may not map to document language tagging; indeed, 
it might not map to a language at all, as in the case of OTL language 
system tags for IPA and Americanist phonetic transcription.



John Hudson
Tiro Typeworks Ltd
Salish Sea, BC

Getting Spiekermann to not like Helvetica is like training
a cat to stay out of water. But I'm impressed that people
know who to ask when they want to ask someone to not like
Helvetica. That's progress. -- David Berlow

Received on Wednesday, 1 June 2016 17:43:25 UTC