Re: [css-grid] Flexible Track Sizing & Indefinite Avail Size


Sorry for bringing back an old thread, but I've been recently beaten by
a bug in chrome pretty related to this discussion, so I think it was
good idea to continue here.

On 09/16/2014 10:11 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 8:17 AM, François REMY
> <> wrote:
>> Dear CSS Grid editors,
>> I’m trying to understand the reasons behind the choice of the sizing
>> algorithm of flexible tracks under no definite size constraint. As a
>> reminder, please find quoted here the algorithm in question:
>> # The used flex fraction is the maximum of:
>> #
>> # - Each flexible track’s base size divided by its flex factor.
>> #
>> # - The result of finding the size of an fr for each grid item
>> #    that crosses a flexible track, using all the grid tracks
>> #    that the item crosses and a space to fill of the item’s
>> #    max-content contribution.
>> #
>> Also, if the plan is to make the layout system stable for flex factors
>> approaching zero (like flexbox), then this first set of constraints will be
>> annoying (as a very small flex factor can create huge track breadths (with a
>> smart epsilon/epsilon-squared pair of flex factor; see test case), while a 0
>> flex factor is identical to no flex at all which may result in collapsed
>> columns).
> Nah, factors <1 get handled slightly differently to maintain proper
> behavior.  It took me a bit to work it out, but it makes a lot of
> sense:

I understand that this idea fits perfectly when dealing with flexible
tracks in
a definite sized container, because we indeed want either to fill or
proportionally (based on the flex factors) the *available space*.
However, in
the  case of indefinite containers, there is no such "available space to
fill or

The spec precisely states to use the value 1 instead of the sum of factors
when trying to "find the size of a fr", but not when considering the
base size divided by its flex factor" value. We want the maximum of these
values to be considered as "used flex fraction", so assuming a value of 1
for all the tracks with  <1fr won't allow us to keep proportions between
them (we will get always their baseSize as it will be bigger) and between
>1fr tracks.

I'll try to use an example now:

.grid {
    display: grid;
    grid-template-columns: 50px;
    grid-template-rows: minmax(min-content, 0.5fr) minmax(18px, 2fr);
    font: 10px/1 Ahem;
   width: 50px;

<div class="grid">
     <div class="firstRowFirstColumn">XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX</div>
     <div class="secondRowFirstColumn" ></div>

Let's focus on grid item's height, which is computed using the flex track
sizing algorithm when available space is indefinite:

1-First, find the used flex fraction:
  * Maximum of baseSize / factor for each flex track
    - track1: baseSize: 40px / factor: 0.5 = 200px
        + factor 1 => 40px
    - track2: baseSize: 18px / factor: 2 = 36px
    - max = 200px or 40px (depending on whether we assume or not a
factor value of 1)
 * Maximum result when finding the size of an fr for each grid item that
crosses a flexible track, using all the grid tracks that the item
crosses and a space to fill of the item’s max-content contribution.
   - track1:
       + leftover space:  spaceToFill (40px) - base sizes of the
non-flexible tracks (0px) = 40px
       + flex factor sum: 0.5 < 1 => 1
       + hypothetical fr size: leftover space  / flex factor sum = 40px
       + hypothetical fr size * flexible track’s flex factor = 20px <
track’s base size (40px)
           - restart this algorithm treating all such tracks as inflexible.
  - track2
       + leftover space:  spaceToFill (0px) - base sizes of the
non-flexible tracks (0px) = 0px
       + flex factor sum: 2
       + hypothetical fr size: leftover space  / flex factor sum = 0px
       + hypothetical fr size * flexible track’s flex factor = 0px <
track’s base size (18px)
           - restart this algorithm treating all such tracks as inflexible.

2- If we use 1 as factor value for tracks with <1fr, the used used flex
fraction is 40px
   - track1: used flex fraction (40px) * flex factor (0.5) = 20px <
baseSize ( 40px ) => 40px
   - track2:  used flex fraction (40px) * flex factor (2) = 80px

* Issue1: I'm not sure how to deal with the "restart", since there are
nor more flex tracks to process.
* Issue2: When using 1 as value for <1fr, the results are not
proportional, since track2 might be 4x.
* Issue3: If we don't use 1, we get the expected results, but then we
need a way to deal with division
by zero in the computation of " Maximum of baseSize / factor for each
flex track".

> Basically, you're asking each track "what size should we give an fr to
> make you maximally happy?".  For elements with >=1fr, they want to
> fill the available space, so their answer is just the available space
> divided by their fr value, so that when things multiply back out,
> they're exactly filling the space, as desired.  For elements with <1
> fr, they want to fill a *fraction* of the space, not the whole thing;
> thus, they want 1fr to equal the available space, so that when things
> multiply back out, they're filling the desired fraction of the space,
> as desired.

Actually, there is another sentence in the spec that makes me wonder
if this applies to indefinite sized containers:

"When the available space is infinite (which happens when the grid
container’s width or height is indefinite), flex-sized grid tracks are
sized to their contents while retaining their respective proportions.
The used size of each flex-sized grid track is computed by determining
the max-content size of each flex-sized grid track and dividing that
size by the respective flex factor to determine a “hypothetical 1fr
size”. The maximum of those is used as the resolved 1fr length (the flex
fraction), which is then multiplied by each grid track’s flex factor to
determine its final size."

The sentence **flex-sized grid tracks are sized to their contents while
retaining their respective proportions** make me think that we don't
want to fraction the content-sized space, just to make it bigger
proportionally, based on the flex factors. Hence, "0.1fr 0.2fr" should
produce the same results than "1fr 2fr".



Received on Thursday, 3 September 2015 00:37:28 UTC