Re: [css-align][css-flexbox] What does "justify-content: stretch end" compute to on a flex container?

On 11/11/2015 12:13 PM, Daniel Holbert wrote:
> For example: what should the computed value be for e.g.
>   "justify-content: stretch flex-end"
> My first guess is that just the "stretch" part should be converted,
> My second guess is that this should just compute to "flex-start"

Of course, there's also a third interpretation here: maybe
"justify-content: stretch flex-end" just computes to itself, even on a
flex container.

This third interpretation seems to be what the spec currently calls for
(accidentally, I think), since it only singles out "stretch" on its own
for the special case computation behavior.  This interpretation also
seems clearly-bad to me, since the whole point of the "stretch" special
case is to prevent flexbox from seeing "stretch" in a justify-content
computed value. And if we allow it to get through if a fallback value is
provided, then that defeats that goal

Hence, some sort of spec tweak is needed here.


Received on Wednesday, 11 November 2015 22:35:46 UTC