[css-align][css-flexbox] What does "justify-content: stretch end" compute to on a flex container?

The css-align spec says, for flex containers, justify-content: stretch
computes to flex-start:
  # Flex Containers:
  # [...]
  # The justify-content property [...]
  # since flexing in the main axis is controlled
  # by flex, 'stretch' computes to 'flex-start'.


This is per a thread & CSSWG resolution [1] earlier this year.

This doesn't explain what happens if there's a fallback value, though.
For example: what should the computed value be for e.g.
  "justify-content: stretch flex-end"

My first guess is that just the "stretch" part should be converted,
which means this would compute to...
  "justify-content: flex-start flex-end"
...but that's not a valid value.  "justify-content" would accept
<content-distribution> followed <content-position>, but here we've now
got two adjacent <content-position> which it does not accept.

My second guess is that this should just compute to "flex-start", and we
simply disregard the fallback value (and similarly ignore safe|true if
they're specified). This seems simplest, which is good. But if this is
what we want, we need to expand the spec-text about "stretch" computing
to "flex-start" in flex containers to more clearly call for this
handling of complex values.


[1] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2015May/0077.html

Received on Wednesday, 11 November 2015 20:14:05 UTC